Diane A. Kelly

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Diane A. Kelly


Biologist studying biomechanics of sex. Super-picky checker of facts. Science writer, occasional game designer.
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Can't tell you how much I love that these animals, which most people don't even know exist, have the largest range of adult body sizes on earth. What a bonkers system! What a fantastic world! 🧪 www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/arti...
This bug can get 26 times bigger than its smallest specimenwww.nationalgeographic.com Meet the jousting weevil, an unusual rainforest insect. Its size disparity is not seen in any mammal or bird.
Repost with how old you are, using a vague proxy: My first experience with ‘social media’ was on Usenet.
Repost with how old you are, using a vague proxy: I taught my friends how to program the Radio Shack display-model computers to display a repeating message and the salesmen didn't know how to fix it.
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Who called a JAWS rip off set in France 'Under Paris', and not 'Shark de Triomphe'?
It’s the time of year when my front yard smells GREAT.
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My mom’s friend has sent us a picture of this handsome gentleman.
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Just incredible news on reviving Voyager I. Think of it: a computer chip 15 billion(!) miles away is broken. The solution is to repackage & move key software, w/ code sent via radio signal that takes 22+ hrs to reach that little 46yr old machine. AND IT IS WORKING. blogs.nasa.gov/voyager/2024...
NASA’s Voyager 1 Resumes Sending Engineering Updates to Earth – Voyagerblogs.nasa.gov
I'm super-excited that I'll be in Chicago next week to join the other founders of Scav for a panel -- part of the opening of the Regenstein Library's Special Collections Research Center's new exhibit "Scav Hunt At UChicago: Seeking Fun—Finding Tradition".
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Everybunny was kung-fu fighting. photographers: Takayuki and Mora Nakamura.
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Crying in posted an unedited shot for the first time to meet the moment 😭
7 years of planning went into this moment
I made a slide of this strip and used it in class today to encourage my students to drive the 2 hours to see it.
Eclipse Coolness xkcd.com/2914
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Welcome to International Failure Mode of Clever Day
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Here’s the female copepod (purple), male (blue) and host tissue (red). Females have a giant rostrum (labeled Ro), a massive outgrowth of the cuticle originating between their antennules (= antennae of insects). The rostrum can reach 1/3 of their body length. No other copepod has anything like this
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The fact that no one in this Gotham-ass building has a brooding Batman statue on their piece of the roof is a great failure of imagination and possibly of the building code
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Also: researcher's hands....
Wood frog. This year's Valentine's Day comic.
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Penn Jillette has more or less renounced libertarianism, which is good
Congrats to Cory Doctorow for this unique achievement!
"Enshittification" is the 2023 American Dialect Society word of the year. Read the full press release. americandialect.org/2023-word-of...
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Proceeding B is moving to double anonymous peer review starting next year!
Gave the spouse a mushroom spawn kit for the holiday. He cut it open, misted it…and a week later we have this monstrosity.
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It's a new year, and now is a good time as any to remind you that baby argonauts (family Argonautidae) ride around on jellyfish
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What if next year is good? Wouldn't that be funny? Surprise me, motherfucker.
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When WIRED just up and cuts its entire SCIENCE SECTION off at the knees, you know stuff is bad. Maryn is a friend, a mentor, and an all round icon. 🧪
Some news: I've been a senior writer at WIRED since 2020 (and part-time for 3 years before that), and yesterday I was laid off along with ~20 colleagues. I'll be back to freelancing while continuing to teach at Emory's Center for the Study of Human Health. Support journalism while we still have it.
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Jack Kirby's Hanukkah card
For those of you who like tabletop rpgs, my younger kid is playtesting his first original game.
I have just put up the #playtest version of my first #ttrpg! Cold Sun: a game about wilderness, survival, and food. Stay tuned for more to come! robert-cambias.itch.io/cold-sun-alpha
Cold Sun [ALPHA, PLAYTEST] by Isaacrobert-cambias.itch.io Terror & Adventure in an Unforgiving Land
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Congrats to UChicago grad student Evan Johnson-Ransom @ejrpaleo.bsky.social for making the @nytimes.com science section this morning, for his work on tyrannosaur bite mechanics. 🧪#biomechsky #paleosky
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