
Just appalling: A new poll finds that Trump gets far less blame for killing the border deal than Biden does, even though Trump *explicitly* called on Republicans to vote it down. This is exactly why the GOP did his bidding and sank the deal. 1/ Link:
An Infuriating Poll Finding About Trump Should Galvanize Trump killed the border deal, but Biden is getting blamed. Here’s what Democrats need to do to turn that around.
Trump gets far less blame than Biden for killing the deal even though *Republicans themselves* said they were voting it down because Trump told them to. Dems made most the concessions. Trump himself said he wanted it as an issue. 2/
Trump/GOP know the sitting POTUS will get blamed when things go wrong. But this problem is particularly brutal on immigration: Congress has put the executive in an impossible position, and voters don't know this. I tried to explain how this works here. 3/
Ugly new dynamic: Trump has unprecedented influence over his party for an ex-president and can get the GOP to do his bidding without taking voter blame for the results. Dems must highlight that Rs are sabotaging the country because Trump told them to. 4/
Killing that bill wasn't sabotaging the country. That bill was. Dems need to stop the tough border messaging and talk about how immigrants make us great. Campaigning on how Trump killed their bad bill is useless.
For me, thisnisn how we play into the narrative game. Why isn’t the headline “Voters blame congress for killing border deal”? Why let them off the hook by focusing on the guy who isn’t president? Instead, every headline - again - focuses on Trump. It’s exhausting.
Yea, but all Trump could do was encourage it. It’s the Republican congressmembers who did it. I’m encouraged that they get more blame than Biden. The Biden blamers are the sheer partisans. They have blame him for a bad cup of coffee.
GOP are better at guiding their constituents around like … sheep.
This is why I'm so scared about November. Dems seem completely out of control of public opinion.
I do wonder how many people in general and in the poll even know that Trump made those calls to vote it down.
This is inexplicable. Did they specifically poll people who don’t read the news?
It's annoying when they're posting polls formed by interviewing 528 people. And generally a lot of them are done by landline - which definitely points to a demographic that favors conservative perspectives, imo.
It’s just accurately reporting that Republicans are way, way better at messaging. The message they sent is we want to stop immigration and D’s don’t. That didn’t start last year, it’s been going on far longer. Most public didn’t even know there was some vote on the thing.
Americans are too dumb for democracy
No shit dude, this was always going to happen. Democrats need to stop deluding themselves into thinking they can somehow uno-reverse logic trap republicans by adopting republican policy. That worked exactly once in 1993, they aren't going to fall for it again.
Adopting republican policies to out-republican the republicans doesn't embarass republican politicians, and it doesn't make republican voters turn democrat. It embarasses democrats when it fails, and alienates democratic voters who despise the republican policies dems are pushing.
It was a profoundly cynical strategy from the start. Trump gets to campaign on a crisis he himself prolonged while helping Putin at the same time by sabotaging the Ukraine vote. Dems get the blame because voters ultimately remember outcomes & not the Republican ratfucking maneuvers that produced it.
I dunno maybe Democrats need to stop tripping over themselves to give them everything they want?
Almost like putting a border bill to try and meet the GOP’s demands was a bad idea. You piss off your own base and then the republicans respond with bad faith and you end up looking like a naive idiot at best.
How many of the respondents are Republicans? Republicans are going to blame Biden and Democrats no matter what. And they are going to vote for Trump no matter what. The important info would note whom independents are blaming.
Perhaps this is due to the fact that NYT, WaPo and others keep reporting that Biden is to blame?
It makes me wonder what else Trump is doing behind the scenes to ruin things for Biden.
Biden is in office and is under no obligation to negotiate with Republicans to solve a fake problem they invented. This was completely predictable. Of course he is more to blame, Trump isn't in office.
With apologies to President Biden, this is sadly "who we are." I STILL think there are more of us who are reasonable and responsible, but a very strong minority (enough to win at times, thanks to gerrymandering and the Electoral College) is beyond help. A solid chunk of Americans suck.
25% of the respondents were republicans. So 24% will always blame President Biden for anything they don't like. A sizable portion of the remaining respondents get at least some of their info from fox and other right wing outlets which actively blame things they don't like on President Biden.
AI had better improve fast because we humans are obviously incapable of self-government. Or any other kind of government. Maybe we can persuade the machines to keep us as pets.
I'm just glad the border deal fell through.
Oh Gawd, what now! re we just doomed?
Wasn’t it Biden’s deal in the first place?
So, it's high time y'all have a talk with your media publishers and editors. I don't think any outlet gets to claim "journalism" and some kind of protection of their publications, when they're just pushing PR and have reduced their context to advertising,not investigation and fact checking.
Can we look at these polls? How big is n, who was polled? It all seems like such bull 💩 if it reports people believe something not true. Is it Fox viewers?
That should be credit not blame
Forget the polls. Look at the election results in NY 03 today. Does it look like voters were taken in by the border bill BS?