Blair Braverman

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Blair Braverman

writer and dogsledder
the way he's looking back over his shoulder to make sure the pomeranian is following 🥺
Blair, Wickson is trying his chops as a lead dog. This little Pomeranian followed him for two laps around the dog park a couple days ago.
Since my phone is blowing up, I guess the news has officially dropped. Queen Mona now has a court jester. A few of you may recognize him.
When democracy falls, the only joy I foresee is the opportunity to yell "Dammit, Blowhole!"
The man in the store really knows his thing when he recommended the right brake line for Blowhole. And for the last part— INNOCENT!
Six years ago, sled dog Blowhole (allegedly) ate the brake lines off our truck, causing it to malfunction on the highway. Today, Outside magazine published an investigation into whether he really did it.
Their verdict is clear (and unsurprising): Blowhole was framed (by the mechanic?).
you must read this! 😆 '“If he were a human, he’d have a flip phone,” Elizabeth said. “He’d talk to every person at a party. He’d be a construction worker. He’d drink Red Bull. His friends would be like: You should stop drinking those. He’d be like: No, man. It helps me get so much more done!”'
Six years ago, sled dog Blowhole (allegedly) ate the brake lines off our truck, causing it to malfunction on the highway. Today, Outside magazine published an investigation into whether he really did it.
one would hope that mister blowhole is redeemable. the fact that blair presented him with the wrong kind of brake line highlights the power he maintains in exile steel braided brake lines don't smell or taste the same as OEM equipment. it's like handing OJ a kid size glove
Read all the way to the end, the last line KILLED ME 🤣
Six years ago, sled dog Blowhole (allegedly) ate the brake lines off our truck, causing it to malfunction on the highway. Today, Outside magazine published an investigation into whether he really did it.
Avatar certainly has opinions (📷 me at the Iditarod start March 2020 aka the last normal day)
totally unreasonable for you to hint that blowhole might be connected to the mob
I mean, he obviously did it, have you seen his face?
Six years ago, sled dog Blowhole (allegedly) ate the brake lines off our truck, causing it to malfunction on the highway. Today, Outside magazine published an investigation into whether he really did it.
That's not entrapment, that was an experiment. Blowhole was just too smart to show off his affinity for brakelines out in the open like that.
But... but...Bler straight out *admits* she's not above entrapment in the article!!
> “Dammit, Blowhole,” said a guy in Minneapolis after a SpaceX rocket exploded last April. I did not know that, and also I was foolish enough to be drinking tea while I read this and now my nostrils have that freshly rinsed out feeling. :-) Dammit, Blowhole!
Is it ethical for a true crime reporter this close to the subject to write a piece about it? You be the judge!
Six years ago, sled dog Blowhole (allegedly) ate the brake lines off our truck, causing it to malfunction on the highway. Today, Outside magazine published an investigation into whether he really did it.
First thing I heard when I got back to the trailer when the line cut on my 2 dog run was “dammit Blowhole” - not sure if it was Hannah or Beth that said it though lol.
Six years ago, sled dog Blowhole (allegedly) ate the brake lines off our truck, causing it to malfunction on the highway. Today, Outside magazine published an investigation into whether he really did it.
Read this excellent story by and as soon as I was finished, it started snowing Dammit, Blowhole...
Here's a new team story from the @CCSleddograce! In which the team catches a lift from someone we really admire, and Waller gets a new name.
NEW EPISODE! tells us how the legendary story of one good dog is actually a story of two good dogs.
For those new to the #UglyDogs community, a little snippet about Igivearod which will take place today through the red lantern
Promoting this far and wide. As the Iditarod sled dog race begins today, so does the #igivearod charitable fundrising drive. You can read about it here: It is run entirely by a small group of volunteers and makes no profit whatsoever from this. If you are able to contribute, please do.
#igivearod – #igivearod Fund
If you could use some fun mushing news today, here's a new dispatch from Pepé, open to all, about BraverMountain's journey north to the Canadian Challenge--in which, naturally, the sled dogs vie for the best-dressed team award.
If you could use some fun mushing news today, here's a new dispatch from Pepé, open to all, about BraverMountain's journey north to the Canadian Challenge--in which, naturally, the sled dogs vie for the best-dressed team award.
Happy Valentine’s Day from Lima!
Dora (PRESIDENT OF DOGS) needs your advice about a social dilemma: How do you handle a snitch?
Here it is:
does anyone who keeps up with’s writing and #uglydogs remember when grinch (i think) wrote a poem? i remember the meter but not the words and i haven’t been able to track it down on twitter or patreon :(
Throwback to when Flame was a horse.
Here's the best pic. Flame being fashionable while Spring catches a ride (these are's pictures from the other place, I just copy and paste 'em).
Blowhole can't hurt you on this website. It's okay to admit the terrible truth about his recidivism.