
I had measles and It SUCKED
Most Americans don’t think about measles because vaccination had largely eliminated the scourge from the U.S. in 2000. But many Americans who survived measles as children never forgot how sick they were. These are some of their stories.
Isolation, extreme fatigue, lingering misery: What it’s like to survive Measles is back, after vaccination largely eliminated it from the United States. Survivors describe having one of the most contagious diseases on Earth.
Seriously? One of the breakthrough cases, or could not get the vax? I've only known 1 other person who got it, & she had an egg allergy & never got an MMR shot. Picked up measles as a teen when she went to Africa.
Didn't get vaxxed. I grew up in England in the early 1980s (before the MMR vaccine was available) and I guess the doctor dissuaded my mom from giving me a measles vaccine at that time. And it suuuuuuucked
I was probably vac'd measles. And for tropical stuffs. Born 67. Navy father creature. Did get that German measles though when I was five. And again when I was about 8
Ugh! I remember my friend saying she had a high fever, body aches, & a horrible sore throat with swollen lymph nodes & that it lasted for a couple of weeks. They thought mono at first until the rash appeared.
It kills babies! What the fuck are we doing
I had measles as a teenager. It sucked having to recover in a dimly lit room because of concerns about possible damage to my eyesight.
That's how it was. It was not a pleasant experience.
I should add that I was vaccinated as a child but, years later, when I was diagnosed with lupus, the rheumatologist said I'd probably had it since I was an adolescent so my immunity must have been low. I also had chickenpox twice despite being vaccinated. That's why I'm so covid cautious.
Had it in school. It was so awful. And it apparently resets a lot of your immune system so you lose immunities, like COVID-19 may.
Yep. And mumps...that sucked... And chicken many scars from that. Growing up in the 70's in a backwater wasn't all it was cracked up to be
I had it as a small kid because there was no vaccine then. It was not fun.
I had it and I endorse this message. Sickest I ever was as a kid. About 2 weeks in bed. Only good sign was that my cat did a lot of cuddling. Get your kids vaxed.