Nathan Kalmoe (he/him)

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Nathan Kalmoe (he/him)

Exec Director, Ctr for Comm & Civic Renewal @UW-Madison. Views=me. Democracy, voting, violence, psych, history. Retired prof @40 😉 Dad w/ jokes/Lapsed 🧙🏻/🥏⛳ champ/Avid 🧗🏻‍♀️. Congress said I have "tremendous sway over SM platforms"😂
This from Masha Gessen is impardonable. Dare to criticize the press--namely their Times--and you will be labeled a demagogue, which is exactly what they accuse Biden of doing in the face of criticism. Instead, try to listen.
I think that it would be good to block 45 from becoming President again. That's my only investment in the current Presidential election shenanigans. None of these people are my choice and in fact it's unlikely that anyone who could/would run for U.S. President would be. But here we are.
My assumption: size of vote % Biden will lose when swing voters discover his incapacity in October is much greater than any negatives there may be for Harris or another Dem nominee, who would also energize Dems. The ppl undecided about Trump-Biden will choose the felon over an incapable pres.
Biden has no chance of improving his polls, except based on negative events for Trump, which would benefit any Dem nominee. There’s no upside for Biden, only down, in contrast with Harris.
Biden has no chance of improving his polls, except based on negative events for Trump, which would benefit any Dem nominee. There’s no upside for Biden, only down, in contrast with Harris.
From late June 👇🏻 Harris is the obvious solution to our problems, and I wish the small minority of Democrats opposed to Biden withdrawing would get their heads out of the sand before it’s too late.
From late June 👇🏻 Harris is the obvious solution to our problems, and I wish the small minority of Democrats opposed to Biden withdrawing would get their heads out of the sand before it’s too late.
PoliSci & PolComm folks: if you don't want your work sold to train AI, don't submit to or review for: Political Communication Journal of Information Technology & Politics Journal of Political Science Education New Political Science Routledge Press
PoliSci & PolComm folks: if you don't want your work sold to train AI, don't submit to or review for: Political Communication Journal of Information Technology & Politics Journal of Political Science Education New Political Science Routledge Press
“Known by her constituents as simply, ‘Congresswoman,’ Jackson Lee served the public for more than 30 years.” Her legislative victories included “establishing the Juneteenth Federal Holiday to reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act.”
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee dies at 74, her family Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has died at 74, her family announced. Last month, she announced she was fighting pancreatic cancer.
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas has died. She was 74. She had recently announced a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
The United States has a bad electoral and party system. We don’t really have political parties in any real meaning of the word. Right now, we’re seeing everything that can go wrong with how it works. The US needs a new electoral system with more parties, which are more coherent and functional.
I'm seeing a few "voters already selected Biden" takes, which is wild since there was only one name of any consequence on the ballot. You can't claim "voice of the people" legitimacy when there was *no actual choice* put to the voters.
If Dems stick w/ Biden, they bank on swing voters choosing a man who is clearly physically & mentally incapable over one who is morally incapable but less obv. If they voted before, they barely went Trump in 2016, barely Biden in 2020, both w/ ambivalence. Biden's incapacity would be decisive.
Yeah to my point the other day about all of them pickling their brains, they’re all very into this: we read widely! We’re interested in heterodox ideas outside your stultifying consensus! Lots of them involve calipers and different kinds of salutes!
Ross Douthat, just casually linking to Curtis Yarvin, a racist opponent of democracy who adds a third rate intellectual patina to populist conspiracy theories.
Ross Douthat, just casually linking to Curtis Yarvin, a racist opponent of democracy who adds a third rate intellectual patina to populist conspiracy theories.
This is a silly argument. There was no democratic process to choose Biden. Nobody ran against Biden. The party decided not to challenge him. And now it's the party deciding to change it's mind. Replacing him is the same process as deciding not to replace him.
EXCLUSIVE: A group of prominent activists and faith leaders have prepared an open letter commenting on calls for Biden to step aside, calling pressure by some to end his candidacy "anti-democratic efforts" and arguing Democrats should "trust the process."
Activists, religious leaders say Democrats pressing Biden to bow out should respect 'process' (RNS) — 'We are troubled by anti-democratic efforts within the Democratic Party to subvert the established processes to achieve someone’s idea of the most electable ticket,' the letter reads.
So...which political psychologist is going to do the study showing that keep or drop Biden is correlated with general risk aversion among Dems?
I think recent events—particularly the Dem leadership’s and liberal elite’s investment in a candidate swap—make it easy to imagine how an orderly, gracious succession would invert the race, and revive the can’t-fail spirit of the early resistance.
Trump Reminds Democrats He's Beatable—Against A Party That Can He's only winning now because the Democrats are sapped of energy. Here's how they can rekindle it.
But keeping [Biden] represents a “low ceiling, high floor” strategy, in which the low ceiling looks like a loss. Under the circumstances, risking a “high ceiling, low floor” candidate may be the only reasonable choice. Very good piece from
A Popular Front, If You Can Keep It - Dissent Biden claims he is remaining in the race because the threat of Trump is too great. That’s the exact reason he should consider retiring.
Meanwhile, North of the Border,
Supreme Court rules governments cannot shield themselves from lawsuits prompted by bad legislation: The court reaffirmed principles that leave governments open to legal liability for civil damages that can result from their legislatures passing laws that are later found clearly unconstitutional
Supreme Court rules governments cannot shield themselves from lawsuits prompted by bad The court reaffirmed principles that leave governments open to legal liability for civil damages that can result from their legislatures passing laws that are later found clearly unconstitutional
As expected. Netanyahu condemns the ruling. Says Israel can’t be an occupier in its own homeland including Jerusalem and Judea and Semaria. Essentially reaffirming the court’s point. Lapid: Decision is disconnected, unilateral and tainted w. antisemitism. Serves Islamic terrorism and fight 1/2
This is significant for a variety of reasons. Not the least of which is that it will boost calls for sanctions against elements of the settlement project. In Israel, the ICJ is unpopular and many will view this as unwarranted intervention in internal affairs which ironically, 1/
We're torn b/n: 1) ppl who want to stay in the plane that's looks headed for a mountain in hopes that we can pull up in time 2) ppl who say we should jump out w/ a parachute someone else packed & hope it opens 3) a plurality who don't know which is better (& everyone sees the pilot is 1/2 dead)
Here is the deal with Supreme Court term limits: They are both (1) a good idea and also (2) not nearly enough to address the actual problem here, which is a six-justice conservative supermajority that picks a new civil right to get rid of every year
Biden’s Support For Supreme Court Term Limits Is a Nice First For years, Democrats like Biden have put off the hard work of making the case for Supreme Court expansion. It shows.
"For many, the community fridge serves multiple purposes. It’s a tangible way to help your neighborhood, as food prices continue to rise, & it helps reduce food waste. But it’s also a meeting place & community space, a way to start a conversation w/ your neighbors."
From Community, For Community: The Rise of the Free Fridge - Modern Thadeaus Umpster hates waste. “There's so much labor and effort that goes into growing and making good, healthy food, and a huge percentage of it is
Does anyone honestly think Biden is capable of carrying out the minimum duties of president for the next year, let alone the next 4.5 years? If not, there shouldn't even be a debate on whether he should be replaced.
So...who's excited about a Biden-Trump debate on September 10th?