Nathan Grayson

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Nathan Grayson

Cofounder and reporter at Aftermath. Beats: labor, livestreaming. My book about Twitch, Stream Big, is now available to preorder. Formerly: The Washington Post, Kotaku. Send tips to [email protected]
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
Tenacious D canceling their tour let me dig into how much everyone, from politicians to regular people, are struggling to figure out how to talk about the Trump thing
a lawyer who works for my book's publisher, upon completing a legal review of the book, said she really enjoyed it despite not knowing much about twitch. this means ALL people will love it, and you should preorder now
a hill I will absolutely die on: all video games should have a kick button
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
saying Rumble is "popular with the political right" is one of the biggest understatements i've ever seen. it's a home for Nazi video streamers
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
Trump campaign deflects ads on Rumble appearing before Nazi videos - The streaming platform featured messages promoting the former U.S. president ahead of a videos by a pro-Hitler conspiracy theorist.
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
The best way to bypass tedious Souls game discourse: give the crab a gun
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
the only thing that saved trump today is that his name is not some variation on “abe”
unfortunately, this is metal as hell. we’re cooked
Update: he's fine.
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
Not only a shit time for indies but the unfounded fear of making AA games alongside 500k games is a huge mistake and things are coming home to roost now. pubs and investors haven’t made space in their own market for the new or weird or the difficult second album
‘Death Occurs in the Dark’: Indie Video Game Devs Are Struggling to Big video game makers like Epic Games and EA have gone through substantial layoffs in the past year. Amid the turmoil, many indie studios are getting shut down completely, threatening a dearth of new ...
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
*Nothing* can stop stream day... except a holiday, which is what happened last week. Today we're back on Twitch at 4 PM ET to discuss Xbox's rot economy, the death of Kotaku Australia, and TV shows we're watching despite our better instincts (The Boys S4 and Acolyte)
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
*Nothing* can stop stream day... except a holiday, which is what happened last week. Today we're back on Twitch at 4 PM ET to discuss Xbox's rot economy, the death of Kotaku Australia, and TV shows we're watching despite our better instincts (The Boys S4 and Acolyte)
no way to sugar coat it: the boys season four... is bad
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
peanut butter, a dog, completed his first speedrun in front of a live (and very loud) audience during sgdq. it was not as easy as it looked. human -- rather than dog -- error nearly wrecked the whole thing
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
Very happy to see Aftermath making a go of it. Hoping they can turn it into a full-time gig for themselves very soon.
Been a minute since we've done one of these, but: We recently passed the 3,600 subscriber mark! Merch is on the way -- after we sort through some logistics -- and another podcast isn't far off. Thank you to all of our subscribers, without whom none of this would be possible
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
Absolutely get them to 4,000
Been a minute since we've done one of these, but: We recently passed the 3,600 subscriber mark! Merch is on the way -- after we sort through some logistics -- and another podcast isn't far off. Thank you to all of our subscribers, without whom none of this would be possible
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
Ok so this is delightful, what a good boy
peanut butter, a dog, completed his first speedrun in front of a live (and very loud) audience during sgdq. it was not as easy as it looked. human -- rather than dog -- error nearly wrecked the whole thing
peanut butter, a dog, completed his first speedrun in front of a live (and very loud) audience during sgdq. it was not as easy as it looked. human -- rather than dog -- error nearly wrecked the whole thing
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
You don't need charts and breakdowns of Xbox's new Game Pass tiers to see what's happening here: things that cost more and work for you less, because everything is rotting from the top
Welcome to Xbox's rot economy
love going life and death with a salsa lid for 15 mins to remind myself that I am neither mighty nor intrinsically greater than any of god’s other idiot creatures
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
The worry was that Microsoft would get people to rely on subscription gaming completely and then enshittify the service beyond recognition, but they seem to be skipping that first part.
Game Pass will still be a great deal if you play all different sorts of games around the clock but for everyone else it's $240 a year to rent games.
Game Pass Is Getting Another Price Increase In The Messiest Way Xbox's Netflix-like service will now cost more and for some users won't include day-one game launches
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
We hit the merch level! If you like what we do, consider supporting.
Been a minute since we've done one of these, but: We recently passed the 3,600 subscriber mark! Merch is on the way -- after we sort through some logistics -- and another podcast isn't far off. Thank you to all of our subscribers, without whom none of this would be possible
Aftermath |
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
Happy to support Aftermath, not just because buds like and are doing incredible work there, but because orgs like theirs are keeping independent games criticism and journalism alive. Please consider supporting if you can, or share if you can't!
Been a minute since we've done one of these, but: We recently passed the 3,600 subscriber mark! Merch is on the way -- after we sort through some logistics -- and another podcast isn't far off. Thank you to all of our subscribers, without whom none of this would be possible
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
For the first time in years you can play a bot-free game of Team Fortress 2 in public, but only time will tell if that sticks. For
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
Reposted byAvatar Nathan Grayson
If you haven't already, please consider subscribing! We're still trying to build this website into something sustainable, and every subscription counts. Plus, you'll get some cool stuff for your troubles