Matt Miller

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Matt Miller

professional coffee filter


topics include: comics, David Lynch, wrasslin, Steely Dan
All three of those announced matches are main event caliber
Themed #AEWDynamite tonight
Reposted byAvatar Matt Miller
when you vote for President you are voting for a coalition rather than a person. the right understands this very well, which is why evangelicals lined up behind Trump.
because i have to wishcast to stay sane now, the funniest possible twist is Trump dying before he names a running mate and a brokered Republican convention
Reposted byAvatar Matt Miller
“democrats have to win every election forever” is not a sustainable solution and it is quite literally the one we are facing unless we break the power of this court
The electoral problem has become, as the IRA gloated to Thatcher, that the GOP only needs to get lucky once and the Democrats need to be lucky forever. Either they’re going to do something about the court - now, not eventually - or we will simply play iterations of this game until the GOP wins.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Miller
I have never seen a better example of the bored punditry pretending two ideas cannot exist in people’s heads at the same time than “biden is too old to run” and “I don’t care that biden is too old to run if that’s all you’re gonna offer me”
Reposted byAvatar Matt Miller
If a handoff could be done without causing fatal chaos, I’d be for it. As it stands now, it’s fanfic by a bunch of ignorant (of the logistics involved) and/or opportunistic clowns that’s wasting precious time on a pointless spectacle.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Miller
It's important to note that Trump tried to order this at least twice we know of during his regime.
right. the president could order troops to suppress protesters using live fire and the supreme court would extend that absolute immunity
What could Biden say tonight that a) has some rhetorical teeth, and b) is conceivably something in his political wheelhouse? Maybe calling for a constitutional amendment clarifying that presidents are not kings and are bound by laws. It's as realistic as anything else anyone is saying.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Miller
shits bad, it can be way worse, and if it winds up being way worse I’m not gonna be a guy who giggled away the choice between the two so I could have a cathartic release being extremely online
nobody learned anything from John Edwards
the most bizarre thing is the number of people i see in my tiktok comments go to bat for gavin newsom as the savior of the democratic party
i'll cop to also naively believing this (prior to the oral arguments in this case)
I think what's most surprising to me about the immunity decision is that I assumed the conservative justices saw trump as a liability, in the sense that they clearly have a free hand to implement an evil agenda without him. But apparently they actually really like him & welcome chaos
Planning on doing some boots on the ground stuff come September/October, but just signed up for this too.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Miller
The celebrity politician, vessel for all our hopes and identities, is one of the reasons the Dems fucked up during the Obama years, and it’s still a habit among a lot of party apparatchiks.
so, practically, what goes into the lower court determining what falls outside of the immunity ruling? does it necessitate briefs/hearings/etc? or can Chutkan just make a ruling on that based on what she's already seen and heard?
Reposted byAvatar Matt Miller
maybe seizing and arresting the Supreme Court majority for aiding and abetting an attempt to overthrow the U.S. government can be a "core constitutional duty" and an "official act," why not
Reposted byAvatar Matt Miller
"we in the conservative movement never liked Nixon until Watergate" is the quote that runs through my head all the time.
In a lot of ways the entire Republican establishment since the 70s has been dedicated to making sure that what happened to Nixon would never be allowed to happen to one of theirs again
Reposted byAvatar Matt Miller
get him on TV *and* find ways to get people to watch, both on cable news and in general. No one will watch just-a-stump-speech anymore you gotta have a hook in there.
this illustrates why I think they actually need to just get Biden on TV all the time right now this version of him isn't as smooth as he used to be but it's totally fine - he's there, he's engaged, he can do the job "I had a cold, lemme tell some self deprecating jokes and shit on Trump"
Reposted byAvatar Matt Miller
SCOTUS holds 6-3 that it is the executive branch now
giving all of my devices to my wife tonight to prevent myself from doomfollowing the debate
turned my comic shop onto SANTOS SISTERS by Greg & Fake, and lo and behold look what's by the register today:
LRT aside, this is also true, and--my interest in the 70s self-publishing/Direct Market scene notwithstanding--I would never fault anybody for avoiding Cerebus like the plague
quick note, there are dozens of good comics out there that aren't Cerebus
if you want to sample the conundrum of an extremely good, influential comic by an extremely unpleasant, bigoted person, this is the way to do it
There was recentlyish a lot of talk about Cerebus, which was a great comic except when it wasn't. There's now a Humble Bundle collecting the whole thing. If you want to read it legally, but don't want to give money to Dave Sim, you can click "custom amount" and just pay the charity, not Sim.
Humble Comics Bundle: Cerebus by Dave Get up to speed on the groundbreaking indie comic saga Cerebus, from its humble beginnings as a Conan parody, to its somber conclusion, decades in the making.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Miller
"WWE Is Not A Sport, We're A Movie About A Sport," says the head of WWE's creative... which is how it's felt for years, but they're finally admitting it. They're a show about pro wrestling, not a pro wrestling show. 🤼
Triple H: WWE Is Not A Sport, We're A Movie About A Sport | Fightful Triple H discusses content output in WWE.
Reposted byAvatar Matt Miller
one of my theories about why americans are the way we are in 2024 is because we elected a monstrous fucking asshole in 2016 who encouraged everyone to be their fucking worst selves at all time, and that’s another thing that goes on his admittance criteria at the gates of the worst circles in hell
I agree about the selfishness, and I think that comes partly from Trump (everyone’s corrupt, get yours) and COVID+GF (you’re on your own, get yours)
Reposted byAvatar Matt Miller
intense proustian recall of playing Jive Bunny & the Mastermixers on the Pizza Hut jukebox
cuz tonight we're gonna party like it's 1989
What's your favorite film adaptation of a Shakespeare play, Bluesky?
Reposted byAvatar Matt Miller
Shocked this guy called someone the n word
Was referring to this if it hasn’t reached here.