Chris Person

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Chris Person

Gaming. Blogs at Aftermath. Video at Highlight Reel.
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Season 3 of The Bear can feel like a lot of noise without much action, but I think the pace highlights how its characters relate to their work, and if they can ever be less fucked up about it
Really enjoying the feedback on this but occasionally I will get a non-reasonable reaction to it, which is funny given the subject material.
The best conversations about FromSoftware games happen well after they are out, and now that I have finished and sat with Shadow of The Erdtree, an expansion I like, I think it's worth talking about the things it does and does not do well. For
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getting IUDs and IEDs mixed up again
Reposted byAvatar Chris Person
I pretty much fall here. I love Erdtree but there's SO MUCH to criticize about it. Shifting from exploration for exploration's sake to what the article calls "korok-ass collectible" is I think the DLC's biggest misalignment. A lot of the high scores kind of baffled me.
The best conversations about FromSoftware games happen well after they are out, and now that I have finished and sat with Shadow of The Erdtree, an expansion I like, I think it's worth talking about the things it does and does not do well. For
The best conversations about FromSoftware games happen well after they are out, and now that I have finished and sat with Shadow of The Erdtree, an expansion I like, I think it's worth talking about the things it does and does not do well. For
Reposted byAvatar Chris Person
JIMINY GLICK: Now you, you, you, you—your cars, they tend to run over pedestrians. Or else BURST into flames. ha HA isn't that wonderful! ELON MUSK: *the least convincing laugh of all time* GLICK: *tucking his legs under himself* You bought a website where no one likes you. Why?
Another day another free Aeron I found on the street.
Saw this at a dollar store. Really in awe of it. It’s like a riddle.
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i've relied on KZ ZSN for the longest time, and have only moved to Truthear Hola recently Chinese IEMs are awesome
In-ear monitors from Chinese brands like 7hz and Moondrop have gotten so good at such a competitive price point that I can’t help but recommend them. For
Reposted byAvatar Chris Person
im extra mad about this. its just so inept. no excuses for this level of mismanagement of a project, esp when its workers, and not the execs responsible, who are once again paying the price
Paradox lays off entire studio before its game was even released:
In-ear monitors from Chinese brands like 7hz and Moondrop have gotten so good at such a competitive price point that I can’t help but recommend them. For
Apple doesn’t need OpenAI long term and I’m not sure they’ll even stay with them. All of their research feels closer to the open source world where you can swap a million different competing and specialized models out.
Despite being regularly described as a tier 1 operator and superior intellect, Sam Altman got rolled by Apple, signing a deal where OpenAI agreed to pay all of Apple's costs to use their service for a return that borders on nothing. It's a terrible deal.
A nice guy at a festival I was at made a frankly compelling case for boofing LSD. Claimed the come up happens in 15 minutes and that most of the usual stomach upset was gone. Not going to shove acid up my ass but you need to appreciate and recognize well earned wisdom when it enters your life.
We have started saying “this is an Aftermath story” more and more internally and it’s starting to mean more to me every day. We run stories that are unquestionably ours, it’s a unique combination of who we are and how we are structured, and I am proud of that.
More than anything these are the people I wanted to hear from out of Summer Game Fest and I’m glad we have the site to do it.
in a year of unprecedented layoffs, many game developers spent the past week watching from the sidelines as companies revealed projects they poured years of passion into, only to be forcibly ejected. I spoke to a handful about that bittersweet experience
It’s one of the most gorgeous performances I’ve ever seen
OH this is gorgeous looking
Transferring and encoding on Yukio Ninagawa’s Medea is done. I need to fund a translation of this as I am not fluent enough in Japanese to hold a medium-difficult conversation let alone translate a complex two hour long theater performance.
Ninja Gaiden II was imperfect when it came out, but the re-release ruined what made it special. I interviewed the modder that spent 3 years turning the game inside out attempting to return it to its brutal origins. For
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dipping my buffalo wing of regret into a ramekin of silent hill ranch
Hey bro, me and the other 23 guys haven’t seen you at Gamelan practice. Feels like you aren’t really serious about playing backup Kemanak.
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Feel like I’m going insane
Right, either you fix the game and sell hats or you don’t fix the game and you don’t sell hats, but you can’t fail to fix the game and sell hats, that feels like it should be illegal.
Was making this exact argument with a friend the other day. You should not be able to sell microtransactions in a game that is just not maintained at all. Great article!
Valve has let TF2 rot in the sun for years and they should feel deep shame as a company that it has gotten to this point. My blog for
Since not-E3 is here, I would like to recount one of the weirdest experiences of my career: when the voice of Mario started doing crowd work with journalists.
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this sucks on an impressive number of levels
Reposted byAvatar Chris Person
I said this to last night but even when George Miller makes choices I don’t quite dig, I am so grateful for the fact that there is an actual director making actual creative decisions instead of a besuited Council of IP Stakeholders all putting their dirty fingers in my soup
FURIOSA spends actually quite a while making you think it’s nothing like FURY ROAD and that you might not get the kind of big propulsive chase sequences you were expecting before giving you four or five of the biggest ballsiest jump-out-of-your-fucking-seat-with-hype chase sequences imaginable