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Familywoman, Rust Belt Resident, Bicycle commuter, #EndHomelessness, Buffalo, Unitarian Universalist, Birdwatcher, other tag words like breadcrumbs so you find me
Reposted byAvatar Chris
It's corny AF but I'll say it. Don't sink into doomerism and despair. That's what the bad guys want. The only way they win is if we all give up. Reach out to your loved ones. Everyone's scared right now. But no matter how bad the world gets, we still have each other. We have to live.
You don’t win the fights that you give up on.
Reposted byAvatar Chris
A lesson from an old boxer, AND a guy whose been in politics, AND an attorney: If you think you're gonna lose, you're probably right. A lot of good can happen if you take a breath, put your mouthguard in, and fight.
Reposted byAvatar Chris
it's not that he's changed his mind about trump, really. it's more that he's changed his mind about hitler.
I get that he’s taken it all back, including when he said he feared Trump would be America’s Hitler, but I guess my position is… I have never gone to work for someone I’ve ever in any point in my life compared directly to Adolf Hitler… and it’s a fair question…
Trump Taps J.D. Vance as Running Donald Trump announced on Truth Social that he has selected Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his 2024 running mate.
Reposted byAvatar Chris
Being a good citizen, being a good neighbor, being a helpful and attentive student, being a good community member, even what was once considered being a good Christian - all of these things are antithetical to the right wing movement
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Reposted byAvatar Chris
Keeping Trump out of the White House isn’t the only thing that needs doing and it isn’t enough to solve all problems facing the country & world but if it isn’t done then all those problems get exponentially worse in ways I don’t even know how to express and it scares me when people pretend otherwise
Reposted byAvatar Chris
Things are bad but all the more reason for optimism of the will and rejection of doomerism and nihilism. Only way out is through.
Reposted byAvatar Chris
Remind me, how did that work out over the next dozen years?
March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
The Unitarian Universalist Association just adopted revisions to its bylaws that pertains to the more theological glue that holds us together, the principles and purposes section. It was adopted by over 2/3s vote of the congregations.
Love at the Center: New UU Statement of Values Passes after Momentous General Assembly Delegate The years-long democratic process culminated with debate and the GA vote. A two-thirds majority was required for approval.
As I assume more honest to goodness leadership roles, I am increasingly convinced that a lot of good leadership involves staying out of the way of smart people doing good work.
I can’t read the article but I can tell you I don’t like that everything is going electronic
When even the WSJ notices there’s a problem, there’s a problem. The article specifically mention things like not wanting touch screens, and wanting manual transmissions & CD players. Paywalled, WSJ of course, but Apple News has it if you have access.
No One Wants a New Car Now. Here’s Why are so many Americans forgoing new vehicles? Used cars are not just a better bargain, they retain designs and features more coveted than their high-tech replacements.
Reposted byAvatar Chris
Happy pride! Remember: you can’t spell bird without bi 💙💜💖 and also, uh, r and d. So remember to thoroughly research and develop your bisexuality. I’m very tired
Reposted byAvatar Chris
One college president after another has communicated quite clearly that the only proper place to hold a protest is in the past
One must go, which herb are you canceling? 🍽️🍜
Thank you cards are a very underrated spiritual practice.
The insects are very loud and lovely this evening.
Reposted byAvatar Chris
From a vigil in Tulsa last night for Nex Benedict
Reposted byAvatar Chris
What is happening in Gaza is horrifying and needs to stop.
I looked up the area that Navalny was in on Google maps. Astonishing remoteness.
Seems that Hallmark does not make a card that is quite right for someone recovering from top surgery Like it’s part triumph, part get well
Reposted byAvatar Chris
I guess the prison didn't have any windows for him to fall out of.
The Russian government killed its opposition. That is the government Trump exalts.
Once I see that you present yourself however you think you’ll be liked best I’ll never again fully believe your rosy descriptions of life are honest
Post Malone is broadening his genre a bit
"And then COVID happened" the ubiquitous cliche detailing the derailment of plans, hopes, and dreams.
Lost my voice, drank all the tea
Today is one of those days where I’m going to get half of my calories from honey
Today is one of those days where I’m going to get half of my calories from honey
Reposted byAvatar Chris
I wrote for Newsweek about my experience miscarrying in Texas after Dobbs. Democratic erosion and authoritarianism aren’t abstractions happening elsewhere—my story & that of countless other women are reminders that they happen every day in Texas & in other states. Polisky Gendersky Academicsky
I miscarried in Texas. My doctors put abortion law The pain is so blinding that I think I'm hallucinating. After Dobbs, lawyers, not women's lives, are now the overriding concern.