
Blueksy has been so chill for most of the time and it made social media fun again for a while. But it’s also turning really toxic. This probably my most active public social media and some of the interactions just kinda suck honestly.
I really do try to be kind and cool to everyone. Even strangers. I’m not sure when hostility became the cool thing to do but I genuinely do not want to fuck with that here. At all. Just block me and move on. Please. For both of our sakes. We don’t have to be big mad all the time.
I know lots of people are jaded for so many reasons and there’s just terrible shit going down on the internet. For most people on here, I promise I am not your enemy. If you think I am just ask me. I will talk to almost anyone who is respectful to me.
I realize this is as close to futile as posting will ever get but just please be kind when you can to strangers on the internet. Everyone is going thru something offline. There’s enough dickheads floating around on here already. We don’t have to add to it. I’m going to try to go back to sleep now.
I hope you get good, restorative sleep. You’re a gift to this place.
I’m just some person with a phone on the internet. Like most us. I appreciate your kindness.
100% If we are going to spend time on the Internet with people, many of which we don’t know outside of the words and pictures we see through a screen, shouldn’t we do to create the most positivity and kindness we can? I sure as hell think so
Yes and not everyone deserves the energy necessary to find out if they deserve it?
Sadly, this is also true. Especially when certain people push forward unnecessarily with a mindset aimed to simply cause upheaval. Those people won’t get much from me. Thankfully, there are a lot of folks who are lovely and kind, and hopefully I can offer positivity to them as much as possible
🙌yup,i second that emotion !
Hell yes, my friend <3 I always try to picture how a lovely and positive interaction online these days makes me feel - and hopefully give that to others as often as possible.
I hope you got some good sleep. I think MANY of us are just so weary of cruelty. Some people will always enjoy their sadism, but most of us, even after we have indulged a bit, will grow very tired. I intend to methodically curate my experience here and keep it.
you're fuckin dope, im sorry any sufficiently large audience inevitably draws cranks! definitely use your block button, you don't owe anybody the right to abuse you
I was pretty aggressive and hostile for a while on here, then I realized I was used to having to fight trolls and assholes constantly on Twitter and it didn't have to be that way here. There's a better way. It's more fun and enjoyable to relax and chill here.
That being said, I'm also starting to get the hostile and aggressive replies and people don't have to be that way.
For two days, there was a person on here who seemed to want to fight both sides of an argument, defending the very thing she criticized after I hyperbolically agreed. We went round & round, and she seemed to not know WTF I was even talking about. She eventually blocked me. The internet is weird.
You're pretty great and your chill approach to posting makes this place nicer. You really will talk to whoever as long as they're not being fuckwits