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Your old pal, Catbus from Online
shitposts, shoegaze, cinema
'24 presidential platform: 'Feed Them All to the Wicker Man'
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See the thing about Hamas is that Israeli intelligence went to great lengths to make it so that it’s the only effective Palestinian resistance organization precisely so liberal suckers in the West would spend more time crying about it than condemning the relentless destruction of the Palestinians
Reposted byAvatar Catbus
when a cop, prosecutor, or anyone else in a position of power starts talking about “legitimate protest,” the only appropriate response is to to “ooh, big feelings little buddy! i know it’s hard, but you don’t get to decide this!” and keep it moving.
you probably shouldn’t allow people being protested to define what is or is not “legitimate protest” and who is or isn’t a “legitimate protester.”
it's happening 🤗
I'll be confronting today's horrors by being silly and doing art, feel free to join in, all are welcome
I'll be confronting today's horrors by being silly and doing art, feel free to join in, all are welcome
Reposted byAvatar Catbus
the institutions are good!! *watches every institutional figure give standing ovations to genocide* uhhh but the administrators are very very bad!!
Reposted byAvatar Catbus
restaurants should have content creator sections like they used to have smoking sections. the rest of us shouldnt have to deal with all that
anyway, stay strong
timeline suggests Kamala has a Bad Take on Palestine? Is anyone surprised? There's no way blood soaked party elites rally around her if she had a disqualifying belief like "genocide is wrong"
Reposted byAvatar Catbus
anyway i guess i'm going to call a bunch of my representatives and tell them how embarassing and shameful it is to continue to support the genocide of palestinians and that i hate them 👍
I have never been sadder to see a remake of an all time classic the original introduced me to another cinematic world, and my ensuing obsession with Hong Kong Action Cinema prepared me to embrace all kinds of subtitled international films I guess I'm glad Woo's getting paid, but 😢
Official international poster for John Woo's remake of his 1989 crime thriller THE KILLER. Releasing August 23 via Peacock. #filmsky #movies #cinema
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new favorite playlist
reminder that we have a Shoegaze/dreampop feed for anyone looking for recs discussion etc if nothing else, all my bangers of the day and related other shoegaze posts show up there 🤗
Reposted byAvatar Catbus
depending on when you start, dems have been ducking a fight with SCOTUS for at least 14 years (citizens united), or up to 24 years (bush v gore). they simply cannot any longer. trump's return is a good example of what happens when you're too scared to fight. scotus reform cannot wait any longer.
why not both?
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Reframe your ideas about the value of labor by considering what happens at a restaurant when the line cook can't work (chaos) vs what happens at a corporation when the CEO can't work (nothing)
Final lineups announced for DreamGaze PDX! 🎸❤️🔥
'Cabin Fever' is unwatchable trash except for the scene at the gas station where the kid does an out of nowhere kung fu attack
name a horror film that is overrated.
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The first person who thought the interaction was over after ‘See ya!’ and then got sucker punched with the ‘Wouldn’t wanna be ya!’ probably went on to become the architect of mass incarceration.
going sicko mode for today's #shoegaze banger, one of the fullest expressions of 'slow burn' the genre provides tune in, turn on, crank up
Never Go Away, by from the album Drowner
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J.D. Vance realizing he has the house all to himself
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being a reply guy is an important part of the social media scene unless you suck at it
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Reposted byAvatar Catbus
Edward Gorey & Frank Langella 📽️
Reposted byAvatar Catbus
Ghanaian poster for 'Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me' (1992) dir: David Lynch 📽️
I kept seeing ads for this on IG and as a Cencal enrollee who can use all the help I can get decided to sign up filled out the forms etc and got a text a few days later asking to verify a number & did even tho it seemed weird today got another message, w poor grammer, asking to verify another # 🙄
not sure where it's going but I don't hate it, so
things suck, so I'm drawing this one keeps evolving 🎨