Annika Brockschmidt

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Annika Brockschmidt

Author @Rowohlt, freelance journalist, senior correspondent Religion Dispatches, Agentur: Landwehr & Cie, podcast host. 1/2 of
This is why they are focusing their messaging on the shadowy "enemies of America" who they'll protect us "real Americans" from--immigrants, DEI consultants, woke college professors, LGBTQ people, pro-Palestinian college students, "cultural marxists" and "Unhuman" communists.
Update: Donald Trump, Jr. has endorsed Jack Posobiec's new book on the "Christ-hating Communists" who Posobiec thinks a future Trump administration should use the power of the state to destroy.
Both Don Jr. and Eric are colossally unintelligent, poorly educated people. There is no need to ascribe to them high levels of sinister ability. They are important because their dad listens to them, and because they are credulous dopes who are easy marks for far right fabulists who flatter them.
Eric meanwhile was a headliner on the election denial/Mike Flynn/Christian Nationalist Reawaken America tour. He regularly appears with Julie Green, a self-described "prophet" who has foreseen the obliteration of Washington DC by God, and considers this a good thing.
"Prophet" gives Eric Trump a prediction from God about his A self-proclaimed prophet told Donald Trump's son that she's received messages from God that indicate the Trump family is being watched over.
I generally avoid Trump Kremlinology, but in this case I think it's relevant. By all accounts, Vance got the VP nod thanks to his ties to Don, Jr. & Eric, who are the Trump kids in ascendance as Javanka fades into the background. Don Jr. and Eric are extremist wackos.
Donald Trump Jr plays Republican Son of the former US president has outmanoeuvred establishment titans to elevate JD Vance to running mate
JD Vance is no dope. He's tied in to the "new right" comprised of the National Conservative conference and Silicon Valley neo-monarchists like Peter Thiel. These people hate democracy not because they hate taxes and regulation, but because they just hate democracy.
Inside the New Right, Where Peter Thiel Is Placing His Biggest They’re not MAGA. They’re not QAnon. Curtis Yarvin and the rising right are crafting a different strain of conservative politics.
They gussy this anti-democratic philosophy up with references to philosophers very few people have ever heard of and consider themselves to be very wise and far-seeing sages, but they're basically reactionary plutocrats who are tired of sharing the world with us peons.
Curtis Yarvin wants American democracy toppled. He has some prominent Republican The New Right blogger has been cited by Blake Masters and J.D. Vance. What exactly is he advocating?
When Trump picked Pence as his successor in 2016 he emboldened the white evangelical right. When Trump picked Vance he's emboldening this "post-liberal right," even though DJT himself understands that vision only in his own, pre-rational way--it's anti-immigrant & pro- his reactionary capital pals.
The smart people in the GOP recognize that they've created a coalition that looks freakish & bizarre to the vast majority of American voters. If people actually read Curtis Yarvin or heard Julie Green speaking with Eric Trump their jaws would drop and they would run screaming. Same w/ Project 2025.
How can they still be using that “racially charged” bullshit after all these years?
Strong "racially charged" vibes
You're looking at pre-written stories dreamcasting for what Trump might have said, for what they perhaps wish he said—maybe even for what, in their strategic judgment, he obviously *should* have said for maximal political advantage. Yet he did not say these things, and reporting otherwise is lying
Erstaunlich: Rene Pfister hat im einen Artikel mit ganz ähnlicher Stoßrichtung geschrieben wie ich vor drei Wochen auf Aber er zitiert mich darin so, als würde ich das Gegenteil von ihm sagen. (1/6)
I hate to break it to Donald Trump, but if any of his ancestors were present when "our ancestors" crossed the Delaware, his ancestors would have been with the Hessians.
It's an interesting choice for a guy whose big selling point is that he's going to bring jobs back for working class people, especially men. Not some captain of industry who built a factory that employs hundreds, but two carnival barkers who profit off gratuitous violence.
It seemed fitting that Trump was introduced tonight by two white guys who got filthy rich off an industry in which working class people beat the shit out of each other for the entertainment of others.
it's seriously crazy-making seeing media act like they've forgotten these people TRIED TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT
Republican delegates planned their outfits for each night of the Republican National Convention months in advance. It is a moment to express their patriotism, their creativity and their unshakable loyalty to Donald Trump. Here are portraits from the RNC:
i'm shocked. this is my shocked face
Extremist supporters of former president Donald Trump are lashing out online against Usha Vance, the wife of Trump’s running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), launching anti-immigrant attacks because of her Indian heritage.
MAGA extremists target J.D. Vance’s wife Usha’s Indian Usha Vance was thrust into the spotlight when her husband, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), was tapped as Donald Trump’s running mate during the Republican National Convention.
Regarding the news that Vance asked the DOJ to enforce a national abortion ban via the Comstock Act - this fits in well with his appearance at NatCon last week, where Katy Talento, a health advisor in the Trump White House echoed a Project 2025 plan to use the Comstock Act to enact a national ban
New: JD Vance called on the Justice Department to enforce the Comstock Act last year. “We demand that you act swiftly and in accordance with the law, shut down all mail-order abortion operations," Vance and fellow GOP lawmakers urged DOJ.
Vance urged DOJ to enforce Comstock Act, crack down on abortion The Ohio senator and other GOP lawmakers conveyed their call for abortion restrictions to Attorney General Merrick Garland in a January 2023 letter.
Das muss dieser "moderate" Ton der GOP sein, von dem ich so viel von politischen Kommentatoren gehört habe (Vance will den Comstock Act nutzen, um Abtreibung landesweit zu verbieten - etwas, das auf NatCon ebenfalls angekündigt wurde, und in Project 2025 enthalten ist).
New: JD Vance called on the Justice Department to enforce the Comstock Act last year. “We demand that you act swiftly and in accordance with the law, shut down all mail-order abortion operations," Vance and fellow GOP lawmakers urged DOJ.
Vance urged DOJ to enforce Comstock Act, crack down on abortion The Ohio senator and other GOP lawmakers conveyed their call for abortion restrictions to Attorney General Merrick Garland in a January 2023 letter.
“The Republicans called on the Justice Department to potentially prosecute physicians, pharmacists and others ‘who break the Federal mail-order abortion laws,’ citing additional federal laws that apply to criminal conspiracy and money laundering.”
New: JD Vance called on the Justice Department to enforce the Comstock Act last year. “We demand that you act swiftly and in accordance with the law, shut down all mail-order abortion operations," Vance and fellow GOP lawmakers urged DOJ.
Vance urged DOJ to enforce Comstock Act, crack down on abortion The Ohio senator and other GOP lawmakers conveyed their call for abortion restrictions to Attorney General Merrick Garland in a January 2023 letter.
We might have to shut down Yale Law School until we figure out what the hell is going on there
Btw - Homan was the most "restrained" part of this panel at NatCon, relatively speaking (yes, the same panel where he gleefully announced 'they ain't seen shit yet' in reference to the Trump plan to deport millions) - which gives you a good idea of how bone-chilling the rest of the panelists were.
Thomas Homan, ICE director for the first two years of Trump’s term, is speaking now. Homan spoke last week at the National Conservatism conference, where he said: “They ain’t seen shit yet. Wait until 2025.”
JD Vance To Elegize Own Dignity On Night Three of Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) will deliver the keynote speech at the RNC...
Trump-Vance if you want your doctor and pharmacist to be thrown in jail
So today we learned that Vance wants to track your periods, enforce the Comstock Act, and pass a national abortion ban. Moderation! Softening!
the "party of unity"!
So today we learned that Vance wants to track your periods, enforce the Comstock Act, and pass a national abortion ban. Moderation! Softening!
The sign literally says "Mass Deportations Now" Bloomberg: "loosely tied to immigration"
The theme of the night is “Make America Strong Once Again.” Speeches and videos played on the screen in the arena are loosely tied to immigration, the conflict in Ukraine and the US’s role on the world stage Latest updates:
This should horrify every decent American. Remember they mean deporting millions of Dreamers, farmworkers, long-settled immigrants who have contributed to our nation for decades. Businesses will suffer and families would be separated from coast to coast. Our neighbors, our coworkers, our loved ones.
They still haven’t fixed the errant quotation mark so it seems like the actual headline rather than a quote
Masterly fascism treated like prime-time entertainment by The Times.
Masterly fascism treated like prime-time entertainment by The Times.