
brought the four year old to a public splash pad this afternoon and he had a blast and so did every other kid there anyway sometimes I think about the people who filled in or drained public pools rather than allow them to be used by kids of a different race and just how fucking evil that is
Bad enough for Mr. Rogers to call them out in fucking 1969.
I have real trouble shutting my mouth whenever the topic of my neighborhood “swim club” comes up. I mean, our whole suburb exists because of white flight, but the fact that there are two of these private clubs every square mile and like three public pools in the whole rest of the city…
Hello from Baton Rouge, where the neighborhood pool a mile away costs $700 for the summer, and we’ve got maybe two public pools with very limited hours for the whole city. And a nice splash pad park. It was nearly 100 out today, and humid.
Recently heard a rightwing fuckwit complaining about how all the state and national parks "look like the United Nations" and how he doesn't feel "at home" there with his white family. The self-pity was palpable. My dude, this is how America looks. Cope.
stay. at. home. get your own damn pool and turn your pasty ass into a prune. invite your equally tiresome and awful white friends. voila.
Which is exactly what they do, as far as I can tell. Good. Leave the beautiful public parks for people who can appreciate paying $4 for a million-dollar view, endless fun for the kids, and joyful American diversity.
Bro my old HOA tore down the basketball goals because they thought it was bringing a “rowdy element” to the park
pfft “rowdy” jesus christ just say it u freaks
I was on my neighborhood board about 10 years ago (Minneapolis has some weird experiments in self-governance) and some fellow board members tried to do this in a public park!
I was really shocked to learn how many public pools have been lost bc of racism. There's a racial link to loss of amusement parks, too. Building expansive new public pools seems like an important civic priority.
I wanted a high school without a pool, so I wouldn't be forced to do swim gym. I was shocked and saddened though when I learned why it didn't have a pool. It is a terrible history.
PREACH. There is, I think, ONE pool I can go to in my city, and it's an indoor pool at a school, so the hours are limited to weird times. There are NO words.
“Kids never go outside anymore” fuckheads
Some of them are probably still alive
So evil. Top level evil. In an era with no AC, no less
And then they blamed "outside troublemakers" for "forcing" them to close the pools. "Look what they made us do! They're awful!"
I hope someday my nephew and nieces can enjoy the things your kids enjoy. I want you to treasure ever moment of the blessing your family has. It is a gift and it deserves to bring you all joy. I hope in the future we can enjoy it too. <3
That fucking video of the guy pouring bleach in an integrated pool still enrages me, more-so because nobody is fucking tackling him.
Becoming a parent brought home the understanding that these are all our kids like nothing else did.
There's something about hatred that makes you prioritize others' misery over your own happiness. I remember reading a story about a village in India that, after the federal government forced them to let the Untouchables in the community use it, just filled it with feces and rotting animal corpses.
Ngl ever since we heard about the splash pad shooting my wife and I have been second guessing taking our daughter to one when she is old enough. We can’t have nice things.
We've got a park with a public splash pad here in Eugene and the kids love it. They're such great things to have around. I can't imagine being such a jackass that I'd want to deny that to someone who finds joy in it