function r(){if(po(n),n.value===pf)throw new I(-950,!1);return n.value} follows

Ian Anson
Ian Anson
Dad, husband, author, podcaster, political scientist at umbc, baltimore enthusiast
A publication that covers the nuts and bolts of political change:
Chris Pepin-Neff 🏳️‍🌈
Chris Pepin-Neff 🏳️‍🌈
Political Scientist at the University of Sydney, Australia. Recovering U.S. lobbyist and Senate staffer. Research focuses on public policy and emotions, including LGBTQ+ politics 🏳️‍🌈 and shark bites 🦈 (they/them).
J. Chris Pires
J. Chris Pires
Professor passionate about student success and team science #firstgen #Brassica enthusiast walking with Dogs of the Plant World
Following the #Science exodus from the other place
David Karpa
David Karpa
PhD-candidate UBremen. Political economy, digital authoritarianism, surveillance. I work with experimental methods.
Elizabeth Mitchell Elder
Elizabeth Mitchell Elder
Political scientist studying behavior, knowledge, & attitudes towards government. Currently @ Hoover Institution, formerly @ UC Berkeley.
Political psychology, social psychology, misinformation. PhD student at sbu.
Emily Thorson
Emily Thorson
Political science, Syracuse University
Information effects, misperceptions, egg sandwiches
Dr Emeka Njoku
Dr Emeka Njoku
Assistant Professor @iddbirmingham | Associate Editor @JISBjournal | #terrorism, #counterterrorism #civilsociety, #development, #gender, #sexuality
Alex Danvers
Alex Danvers
Social Psychologist, Data Scientist, Baseball Fan, Dog Dad, Improviser
Matthew P. Hitt
Matthew P. Hitt
Political scientist at Colorado State University. American politics, judicial politics, political communication. My books and other stuff:
Joe Dunman
Joe Dunman
Asst. Prof at Louisville Law (torts, writing, religion, employment)
Former: Managing Attorney @ Kentucky Commission on Human Rights, prof @ Morehead State, and lawyer for KY plaintiffs in Obergefell v Hodges.
I like heavy music. Mistakes are my own.
Mia Costa
Mia Costa
Political scientist, professor @ Dartmouth Govt & Quant Social Science.
Lee Drutman
Lee Drutman
Political scientist. Multiracial, multiparty democracy enthusiast. Radical empiricist.
- Substack:
- Podcast:
- Senior Fellow: New America
- Co-Founder:
Religion & the Public Sphere
Religion & the Public Sphere
A program of the Social Science Research Council, R&PS fosters research, discussion, and engagement around religion, secularism, spirituality, and belief.
Ariel Zellman
Ariel Zellman
Senior Lecturer in Political Studies, Bar-Ilan University.
International Territorial Conflict, Politics and Religion, Political Extremism and Social Movements.
New Book: Religious Minorities at Risk, Oxford UP, with Matthias Basedau and Jonathan Fox
eric gonzalez juenke
eric gonzalez juenke
Personal account. I study racial and ethnic politics here:

The Presidency and Immigration Policy: Rhetoric and Reality
Nick Ottone
Nick Ottone
American Politics PhD Candidate @ Yale, local + urban politics, political behavior
Mélissa Cornet
Mélissa Cornet
Researcher and writer on gender and conflict, mainly #Afghanistan. Always doodling.
Dr. Danielle Lupton
Dr. Danielle Lupton
Associate Professor of Political Science at Colgate University. Come for the politics, stay for the pop culture and dog photos.
Gregory Koger
Gregory Koger
Author of Filibustering & Strategic Party Government, http://U.Miami political scientist. Director of Hanley Democracy Center. Brings a lightsaber to a knife fight.
Adam Sheingate
Adam Sheingate
Political Science Johns Hopkins University US politics, Ag policy, American political development.
Brian Klaas
Brian Klaas
Associate Professor in Global Politics @UCL. Author of “Fluke." Writer @TheAtlantic. Host, Power Corrupts podcast. The Garden of Forking Paths Substack.
Gabriela Okundaye, Ph.D.
Gabriela Okundaye, Ph.D.
Political Science Lecturer | PhD from UNT Political Science | Comparative Politics & International Relations | #COYG | RTs ≠ endorsements | she/her/hers
American National Election Studies
American National Election Studies
The ANES collects high quality, non-partisan survey data on voting and public opinion. Tweeting about new data, analyses by the public and more.
Jin Woo Kim
Jin Woo Kim
Assistant Professor at Kookmin University | Political Communication, Public Opinion
Hanna Brant
Hanna Brant
Polisci PhD | US Legislatures | Women & Politics
Chantal D'Amore
Chantal D'Amore
PhD researcher in Social Psychology, Political and Moral psychology
@univGroningen | Moralization, polarization, political divides
Karinna Saxby
Karinna Saxby
Health economist at Unimelb. Interested in health & healthcare inequities, esp for 🏳️‍🌈
Brad Jones
Brad Jones
Senior Research Director, YouGov; Formerly Meta; Even more formerly Pew Research Center
The American Political Science Association (APSA) is the leading professional organization for the study of political science.
Northeastern Political Science Association
Northeastern Political Science Association
The Northeastern Political Science Association is one of the leading regional professional organizations in the United States for the study of politics. #npsa
Meghan Leonard
Meghan Leonard
Associate Professor - Political Science Illinois State University: judicial politics & state supreme courts she/her
Allison Betus
Allison Betus
Quantitative social scientist. I study media, far-right terrorism & white supremacy. ABD, she/her 🌈


Efrén Pérez
Efrén Pérez
Political Psychologist @ UCLA. Director of the Race, Ethnicity, Politics, & Society (REPS) Lab. Newby accordionist 🪗 Arriba El Grullo, Jalisco 🇲🇽
Claudia Persico
Claudia Persico
Associate Prof @AU SPA (formerly UW-Madison), NBER & IZA studying environmental, health & ed policy. PhD from Northwestern U. Thoughts are my own.
Science writer and chart maker.

Researcher at Our World in Data.
Co-founder of Works in Progress.
Klaus Pforr
Klaus Pforr
Sociologist at GESIS working with EU-SILC in Research interests: econometrics, survey methodology, sociology of wealth, family sociology, integration/migration, ethnic segregation. Besides all this interested in ttrpg. Typos galore
Ala Alrababah
Ala Alrababah
Assistant Professor at Bocconi University. Research on immigration, authoritarian media, political violence.
Nick Byrd
Nick Byrd
Asst. Prof. of Philosophy, Affiliate Faculty for Quant. Social Science & Institute for AI.

Using science and tech. to understand and improve decisions and well-being.

Near NYC.
Not NPH.

Davia Downey
Davia Downey
I study federalism, econ dev in cities, & disasters. I also helped end gerrymandering in MI. I do a lot of yoga. 1st gen Ph.D. RT≠ endorsements. Read my work (gratuitous plug): Send ur best memes. ✊🏿✊🏽✊🏼
Ben Yoel
Ben Yoel
PhD candidate in Political Science at MSU | Editorial assistant at the JOP | IPPSR Fellow and DEC Consultant | resistance to democratic erosion, political violence, politics in the MENA | Reichman University alum | Past: Thailand, Israel |
Oded Gurantz
Oded Gurantz
Associate Professor, CU Boulder;
Steve Haroz
Steve Haroz
Visual perception and cognitive neuroscience scientist

My site:
R guide:
StatCheck Simple:
Rahsaan Maxwell
Rahsaan Maxwell
Professor of Politics - New York University - diversity, migration, Western Europe (
Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham
Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham
Yale SOM professor & Bulls fan. I study consumer finance, and econometrics is a big part of my research identity. He/him/his
Quantitude the Podcast
Quantitude the Podcast
Hey nerds. It’s a quantitative methods podcast. With attitude. And merch (
Olivier Simard-Casanova
Olivier Simard-Casanova
French Economist, (soon) Research Associate, en 🇫🇷 and in 🇺🇸 (ex Economics, Environment, Transit & Cities, Statistics & #Rstats, Critical Thinking, USA. 🌐
Ellis Aizenberg
Ellis Aizenberg
Assistant professor at Leiden University working on interest representation, lobbying and political attitudes using experiments and computational methods.
Journal of Experimental Political Science
Journal of Experimental Political Science
The Journal of Experimental Political Science (JEPS) features cutting-edge research that utilizes experimental methods or experimental reasoning based on naturally occurring data.