
Axelrod is openly pushing for a change in the ticket lmao
there was never going to be a change in the ticket. biden won the primary
Bluntly the time for this was in November or so last year, and Biden wanted to run for a second term, so that kinda settles it
Folks can argue round the houses whether there /should/ be a better candidate, and great, argue that, but the big player candidates weren't gonna run against him as an incumbent, so it basically came down to whether he personally was going to or not, and that choice was last year, not now
There will be enormous pressure on Biden to step out of the Presidential race, publicly and privately. Not sure legally what happens after that. Lotta deadlines have passed
Not gonna happen at this point. For better or for worse, the candidates are long-since locked in
What happens if he dies? Legit curious. Can Jill step in like when that one senator died before the election a while ago?
then Harris becomes President and runs as an incumbent
this particular unlikely question, "what happens if biden dies in office" is incredibly easy to answer and I am a little depressed more people don't know that
yeah, but what happens if it happens after the convention when he’s already on the ballots? more grey area there, no?
No. The convention will select Biden-Harris. If Biden dies after the convention, it becomes Harris+her pick
But she wouldn’t be the candidate until the convention nominated her, and that could be contested.
If he dies or resigns before the convention and /also/ resigns the presidency, the Harris is president, runs as an incumbent, and will win the convention handily. If he resigns before the convention and /doesn't/ resign the presidency, she'll win the nomination, but she's fucked for the election
The 25th Amendment has import. And really...would the DNC drop an incumbent...first woman president?
Look. I could get a gun and shoot myself in the dick, maybe bleed out and die if I'm lucky, or I could stop gooning over my insecurities. We'll lose this democracy, this republic, because we have fee fees and tingles and anxiety.