Lotta Cooties

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Lotta Cooties


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I have to get this out because it's killing me a bit. Paul Manafort at the RNC being a non-story is a death knell for democracy if we don't take it seriously. To me, it signals Trump is all in with Putin if he wins. It means the end of NATO and puts fascism on the march in Europe.
"Paul Manafort never goes away." | Ball of Threadwww.patreon.com Get more from Ball of Thread on Patreon
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This is today's GOP. Photo: Brian Snyder from www.cbc.ca/news/gop-con...
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Shades of Steven Pinker's "I only had lunch with the child molester because my friend the serial sex pest seated me there" defense.
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Trump's long, dishonest, and largely ridiculous speech at the Republican convention was the best news Democrats have received in weeks. In a rather literal sense, he just couldn't help himself. www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddo...
Meet the new Donald Trump; he’s the same as the old Donald Trumpwww.msnbc.com By some measures, Donald Trump's long, dishonest, and ridiculous convention speech was the best news Democrats have received in weeks.
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…a permission structure blank check to act as menacingly, boorishly, self-satisfied, and bitchily as the literal leader of the free world did, a volcanic joy they never thought their cruel impulses would be allowed, when they thought he could never win and they’d all have to return to pretending to…
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The leader of Detroit’s public transit system lives in a Chicago suburb, and the official overseeing city property assessments lives 100 miles away. Nearly half of Detroit’s high ranking officials live outside of the city, analysis shows
45% of high-ranking officials in Duggan's office don’t live in Detroit, analysis showswww.freep.com More than 4 out of 10 high-ranking officials in the Duggan administration lived outside Detroit in 2023, according to a Free Press analysis.
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"Look, it's not like I went out of my way to befriend that one rapist. I befriended a lot of rapists."
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So Peter Thiel is investing heavily in a gambling website for news events and hiring a political pollster to "advise" on it and we just happen to be going through what appears to be an almost completely astroturfed weeks long news cycle of pollsters, donors, and media types influencing an election?
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Just a general warning: if you are going to try to tell me that curtailing free speech rights are necessary because without that we get fascism. Um. I'm probably going to block you. You are embracing the methods of fascism.
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Behold the greatest academic footnote in recorded history
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Bad managers who are bad at accountability exist everywhere but especially in big orgs like government
I can't get my head around the director of the US cyber defence agency publicly expressing gratitude to CrowdStrike at this moment.
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Been skeptical of idea that rich Dem donors are intentionally knifing Biden b/c he's cracked down too hard with new regulations but here's a big venture capital guy who thinks we should let Cheney/Sasse/Condoleezza help vet his replacement so yeah, I can see where the theory is comin from
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“I don’t know about you, but my community does not have the option to lose. My community does not have the luxury of accepting loss in July of an election year. My people are the first ones deported. They’re the first ones put in Rikers. They’re the first ones whose families are killed by war.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez warns anti-Biden Democrats about what comes next if they succeedwww.msnbc.com The progressive New Yorker spoke on Instagram about the potential risks of pressuring President Joe Biden to end his campaign.
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🧵 Pete Buttigieg is very rare among Democrats in that he isn't afraid of exposing the corrupt motives of right-wing elites. Having formerly worked w/them, I learned that it's always about money or religious insanity, no matter whatever supposed rationales they give. www.salon.com/2024/07/20/i...
"It's not that complicated": Pete Buttigieg on why a gay billionaire is backing JD Vancewww.salon.com When asked to weigh in on Peter Thiel's reasons for supporting Vance, Buttigieg broke it down plainly . . . money.
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Taking kids to VT for the weekend but stuck in dead-stopped traffic south of Boston. On a Saturday at 10am! 1. MA has totally given up on getting drivers out of their cars 2. If transit is 30 min late, people are like I’LL NEVER WASTE MY LIFE LIKE THAT AGAIN, but 30 min in traffic? That’s #freedom
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oh, this dude was WHITE white
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🚨🚨🚨 X (the website formerly known as Twitter) is reportedly stonewalling subpoena requests related to a legal case involving dead financier and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Why? Nobody knows, but it sure is weird. gizmodo.com/elon-musks-x...
Twitter Reportedly Resisting a Subpoena in Epstein Legal Casegizmodo.com X is allegedly fighting multiple subpoenas related to a case involving two Epstein accusers.
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One thing that Douthat gets right (as I wrote about here): JD Vance is the link between the trad and tech parts of the emerging GOP, and both sides have radical plans for strongman presidency donmoynihan.substack.com/p/the-zeal-o...
The Zeal of a Convertdonmoynihan.substack.com JD Vance as the future of American populism
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Since it's going mainly unsaid to the point that Vance hasn't even had to respond on it, it's worth noting that he is a manchild-sized gift to Vladimir Putin, the man raping his way into Ukraine who is currently holding a US reporter-hostage with Trump's blessing. Thiel & Musk, but primarily Putin.
JD Vance is Trump’s gift to Putini-know-how-much-you-care.ghost.io The GOP nominee may have picked the one American his second-biggest donor prefers over him. 0:00 /0:26 1× The pick of JD Vance, who underperformed Ohio’s la...
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You got it, sister
Very few houses have ever been so completely non-rocked
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They're immediately being horrible to her! The whole affair looked like a full-blown Nazi rally! I'm sort of shocked Nikki Haley got a single vote, to be honest
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Remember when Jared Kushner got a $2 billion dollar payoff from the Saudis and then disappeared from the Earth
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In case you were wondering what sort of information environment Elon Musk has cultivated on ex-Twitter, this completely baseless conspiracy theory that the FBI was behind Trump's assassination has 4 million views. It was tweeted out by a blue check with 1.2 million followers.