
I’m finding it really hard not to be polarized towards Biden by the defcon 1 freakout, especially considering how much of it is coming from “insiders” who haven’t done a single thing to advance the Democratic Party - or, for that matter, the general welfare of Americans - in their entire lives
Like on a purely aesthetic level a choice between “old patriot soldiering on to beat the American fascist he despises in the core of his being” and “mostly-anonymous Ivy League nepo babies leaking gossip about how the old patriot needs to go die quietly” isn’t very hard
I dunno I want to watch old stubborn guys win, and rich do-nothing losers in nice suits lose. Sue me, I’m American
why should the old stubborn guy have stayed though? I want the best candidate out there and it hasn't been him. it's greedy by the boomers obsessed with ego. let the next generation come up. Obama was too focused on his own elections and ignored the party. joe Brandon's party good but he bad
look at dianne feinstein and RBG they stayed in because of ego and being surrounded by sycophants. it's bad. old stubborn warriors don't have to keep fighting
Who do you think is a better candidate? Why didn't they run? What do you know that they don't?
lmao bro. I'm saying Biden running blocked others because the dnc would support him. I mean whitmenr and pritzker would be better off the top of my head. they actually push progressive policies and want to fight
People in the political center will get downright hostile and insulting and think it's okay because their views are more "mature." I'm thoroughly unconvinced that centrism would defeat fascism (which is more than just Trump). I thought HRC losing would be a wake-up call.
**silent generation. You are just wrong…. We should have stood up and voted blue up and down the ballot and defeated the Republicans.
Obama and Trump are Boomers. Biden is Silent Generation.
tell me where I said don't vote blue. I'm saying he should have not run for a second term
Pass it on to the next generation would be boomers. And why not? He was perfectly successful.
The other candidates had their shot already, and whiffed it so bad neither you nor I know their names. You in Haifa or Olgino?
what the fuck are you talking about? whitmer and pritzker didn't run in 2020
Reaching the pinnacle of your career as a federal elected official so you can send panicky emails to Peter Baker.
You are the most committed dumbass in the world
Yes, but it’s a Hindenburg v. Hitler reboot, and nauseating all the same. Not-Hitler is always better than Hitler. Biden is an eminently decent man, but he has done what he can, and I hope this clusterfuck makes him give up the nomination.
I also hope he pardons Hunter on his way out. He’s got one kid left, and he was a good father.
Hindenburg was a conservative who made Hitler chancellor. What are you talking about?
I mean he was a conservative who figured he could contain a fascist, but failed as his health did. He stuck to norms, and compromised, and the Nazis came to power because the President was too incapacitated to stop it.
But that's not Biden. Biden's not a conservative (his administration has been the most progressive of my lifetime) and he has been a steady opponent of Trump. Hindenburg APPOINTED Hitler.
The strongest reactions I've seen on social media weren't from nepo babies but from trans people. They saw the debate and *instantly* went "holy shit, I have to make an escape plan now because Biden is going to lose". Yes, it's aesthetically admirable that Biden is using what's left of his...
...strength to call out Trump's fascism on stage, but all that matters right now is getting the W. And I don't think we're getting it if he stays in the race.
The problem is even if their assessment is right there aren't any viable alternatives. A lot of people right now sound like someone who turns to essential oils when chemo doesn't work as well as they hoped.
It was a bad performance, but Nicholas Kristof having an obviously prewritten call for Biden to drop out ready to go has made me wonder where *our* Jeanine Pirro and Laura Ingraham are. It would be trivially easy to spin this by redirecting to how unhinged Trump was.
Like, come on.
The idea that Biden will step down tonight because NYT columnists say so before he can even look at his own internals is just really galling. Like, think less of yourselves, people.
I feel like it's really obvious replacing biden is a terrible fucking idea so are these people stupid or what?
They want to relitigate the 2020 primary without saying they want to eliminate the 2020 primary.
The opinion of the pundit class has never been less relevant
The party that answers every crisis with "Americans must vote their way out of this" knew how old Biden was and ran no one of note against him in the primary. The moment he displays his age elite Dems want to bail and pick a candidate at convention. Couldn't be any more insulting to voters.
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The freakout is coming from the people who largely defined the direction of the democratic party in its entirety. Not advance the party? They are the party!
I wanna know who these “insiders” are.
The same people who shut down any serious talk of nominating someone else last year just now realizing they're about to destroy the world.
I'll say this. I'm voting for Biden if he's the candidate in November. However based on the debate performance I'm not sure he'll get the votes we need to win. Biden was down/tied in the polling averages before that awful debate which is a bad thing when the EC is R favored.
He needed a strong debate yesterday in order to start pulling ahead in the polls and no matter how you feel about the debate, whether you think it was terrible or just middling, we can all agree that it was not the type of debate that was going to pull in any new voters. Which is basically a Biden L
I watched with a bunch of gen Zs who voted in 2020 and are disengaged now. All the debate inspired them to do was rant about how both the candidates. Biden not only didn't address concerns about his age issues, he made them worse.
*All the debate inspired them to do was rant about how old both the candidates are.