
It is absolutely, 100% a mass hysteria event. A complete and all-consuming loss of perspective, because all of you get all of your ideas from these internet and media narratives and refuse to admit it
I said to someone else the other day, this is the most insane spasm of cowardice I have seen from Democrats in my lifetime and I lived through the Reagan years. It really is like a very specific group of people had a mass hysteria event or ate moldy wheat or got a bad batch of LSD.
I don't think I'm being hysterical. I have eyeballs, I love Joe Biden, and I think it's time to hang it up. VP Harris is there, and it's her actual job.
I was greatly concerned with Biden’s poll denialism (esp considering he once sold positive polls about himself when running in the 2020 primary). I get that certain people believe they are all flawed now, but there is no compelling evidence Biden is winning
Also, fury over the SCOTUS, Dobbs does not necessarily mean that Biden himself will benefit or, you know, make sense in conversation.
But the bullying and harassment I’ve seen of people who express genuine concern about Biden and the election is too cult like for me.
Yeah it's been rough. People I really liked turned on me and started repeating the worst things they'd ever heard from people who hate me, and I will never trust them again.
Now that I’ve had some sleep, I can respond a bit differently. I have yet to see genuine concern. What I’ve seen is extensive negativity about Biden. I’m not saying there can’t be those with genuine concern, but even that has no place at this late date. What do you define as bullying & harassment?
Because the nuts advocating for a convicted felon aren’t a cult. 😂😂😂
He had a wide open field at the debate to make a case for why Dobbs is a disaster and what will happen under trump. He couldn't. Full stop. He couldn't. Trump blathered on about states rights, and biden disappeared. And it won't be the last time.
Whatever this is in response to, I automatically know it's wrong.
I’m with you, but I’ll vote for him in the ground, if necessary.
It can't be "this is the most important election ever, democracy itself is at stake" and also "Biden deserves one last roll of the dice" for what? so his legacy can be preserved? A true leader would have been planning for succession and building the next generation from day 1 in office.
It was selfishness for him to stand in this election to begin with. Trump has historic downsides. Anyone with a pulse and a wit can beat him. Biden is clearly losing both.
I had actually believed the day would never come on which you, for whom I have mad respect, would grossly underestimate the combined power of misogyny and racism in American presidential politics. We shall have to agree to disagree
You know who only gets hired as a last resort? Women and people of color and women of color. I've *been* the person who didn't get hired until the ship was already going down. This is a known phenomenon, and people will gratefully hire her. I THINK.
I think Harris is a far better politician and candidate than she is generally credited with being -- she's sharp, and her work with college-age voters has been especially impressive. I think the press will grind her bones to make their bread.
I refuse to cynically believe that because HRC lost no woman can win again, esp a woman of color. If a critical mass of Democrats believed this, they should’ve advocated for Generic White Guy as VP. Harris is the next in line and can rigorously campaign if Biden can’t.
Yeesh, you guys, I ENTIRELY understand the point(s) and I may never sleep again.
I haven't slept well since SCOTUS announced the immunity decision, and I expect to spend the rest of my life in waves of dread and sadness.
Yes thank you for your meaningless opinion
Please. You don’t love Biden. Your post is another vote for the orange clown.
Wonder where you got your ideas from a few years ago, Will
It's funny how the staunchest people defending Biden sound the most hysterical.
We're trying to do one thing: Convince the 5% of the voting population that's up for grabs to vote for the Democratic ticket. The lion's share of those people think Biden is mentally compromised. Nothing we can do or say will change their minds. That's why he has to go.
No it's not. If Biden stays on the campaign, his mental fitness will be the only issue from now till November. (I'm one of the many who dismissed these concerns until eight days ago.) That's a baked-in loss, not something that Democrats can gut their way through in an act of collective will.
The NYT is trying to discipline the party and have successfully convinced a small but vocal group that the sky is falling despite all evidence to the contrary.
The sooner Harris is the nominee--and president--the better. I'd prefer someone else, but that's a pony we can't have.
She's gonna be great! You'll see!!
We could have someone else if the Democratic Party could remember how to act like a political party that wants to win. The popular Midwestern governor of a must win swing state who won her re elect by 10 points is sitting right there, ready to sweep MI, WI, and PA.
I’m having trouble understanding where you think we all got the idea? Are you saying we’ve all been warped from our pre-debate, various media diets, or are you saying that we were all buying in online to this idea from the post-debate media discussion?
Can you describe the causal relationship between the position (step aside) various media we were all consuming pre-debate? It seems… tangential at best
Because the alternative—that people from various walks of life and ideologies who are all part of the Biden coalition watched his objectively bad performance and realized we have to do better—is a much more straightforward explanation.
The press has published literally thousands of articles on Biden’s age leading up to the debate. And then you saw what you had been prepared to see and panicked. But please tell who can do “better?” Because better for the chattering class means fits their fiction on what they think a president…
..should look and sound like. Versus better as in better chance of winning election. The second is the only thing that matters. When you’ve got a realistic alternative let me know.
Are any of us capable of forming our own opinions based just on viewing the debate directly, without benefit of media analysis and pundits?
In the modern world it seems naive to think what we perceive and how we perceive it comes to us somehow unmediated.
Okay yeah you should see my MSNBC normie lib mom's text message that happened within 60 seconds of the debate ending. That was media-driven mass hysteria right? You're either dumb as rocks or willfully spinning yourself for effect
"because all of you get all of your ideas from these internet and media narratives and refuse to admit it" Will, who the hell are you talking about here? The NYT? Biden's finally got me unambiguously on-board with his campaign and you're still being pissed at fucking bluesky poasters? Christ