
Karen Bass just announced that LA is looking into a mask ban and it is a move that would essentially ban me from public life. I am humbly asking, if you are an LA resident, please call the mayors office and tell them about what it would do to those of us who have no choice but to mask for health.
For the folks asking for reporting, it happened two hours ago and the only video around is on the bad place and I try not to bring that here. I’m sure reporting will follow.
Lots of folks pointing out its a ban on masks/protests. The thing most people don’t get about the danger of mask bans is many of us have had to defend ourselves from other people. I’ve had people try to take my mask off in two grocery stores and an airport. We are less and less safe.
Not to mention that these are the kind of things that get used sloppily by cops. The folks most likely to be stopped and policed are Black, Indigenous, Middle Eastern, and/or Latiné.
And if you think those stops will happen just at protest, I have a bridge to sell you.
Here it is
BREAKING: Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass says she is discussing a mask ban for protests with the City Attorney. Source:
I’ve only seen snippets in Twitter but it seems like the mask ban is only for public demonstrations. Still, not a good thing…but I can’t see anything about it be a widespread ban?
The thing most people don’t get about the danger of mask bans is many of us have had to defend ourselves from other people. I’ve had people try to take my mask off in two grocery stores and an airport. The bans of any kind make me less safe everywhere.
Yeah for sure, mask bans shouldn’t be a thing anywhere
1. This is just an ugly law that bans disabled people from protesting. 2. This is a jumping off point for worse bans. We are seeing the return of ugly laws under a different name.
Also… people should be able to hide their faces in public. For whatever reason they want to.
Maybe the city will next demand that everyone register in advance in order to be allowed to protest.
Hmm, first thought that comes to mind to bypass this ban is a comically large set of sunglasses, mustache and beard
also could wear one of those Hollywood hyper realistic masks that you can't even tell is a mask. The police can't just go pulling on everyone's face.... I think.
'Hyper-realistic' masks fool a fifth of people, say Con artists last year used a mask to impersonate a French minister and scam millions of euros.
A mask ban in, covid notwithstanding, wildfire country????
With bird flu knocking on the door
Exactly, and wildfire season is/will be upon us soon.
What is driving these Democratic mayors to consider banning masks in major metropolitan areas? This is insane.
Wanting protesters they don’t like doxxed or imprisoned. Probably literally that simple. Saw a lot of fash and neolib fash enablers complaining about campus protesters against the genocide wearing masks.
UCLA was one of the largest and most publicized of the protests.
*doxxed then beaten or murdered by fascist street thugs or harassed by cops later Maybe bogus domestic terrorism charges etc like Atlanta is doing to anti Cop City efforts.
Sorry no this is bullshit. No. I'm livid.
For sure. It is the only reason
Completely insane. It's Netanyahu and his fucked allies.
They are capitalists, and capitalists need us to return to consuming and going to work as if covid didn't exist. The existence of masks makes it a little bit harder to pretend it's not a thing anymore.
Disagree. Capitalists would want masks because they A) are one more thing to buy B) reduce infection, increasing what people buy otherwise. This is simply fascism.
As soon as I saw protestors in respirators I knew this was coming. I didn't expect Democratic mayors in the two largest US cities to champion it.
It's so depressing and disappointing. Bass of all people
yeah I don't count adams as a dem mayor but bass is supposed to be "okay". but this is their favorite kind of bipartisan effort
Oh I was thinking about Hochul. I forgot Adams is supposed to be a Dem lol
From what I’ve read at the other place, she’s been very disappointing as a mayor? Better than Caruso would have been, but still bad? We have a similar thing happening here in Chicago.
This is inhumane as public health policy, suspect on first amendment grounds, and revealing about the encroachment of cameras in the security space. Probably a quarter to a third of shoppers at my market today, and all the staff, were masked due to a local surge and no new booster, myself included.
Me and my friends figured it was coming towards the end of year two of the pandemic. The surveillance state wouldn't tolerate it. Naturally, the spark would be pro-Palestine protests.
They want to stop left wing protests
Absolutely. They to stop left wing protests and also to break the solidarity between disabled and Palestine activists.
Jesus fucking christ. I get the desire to move on from requiring them, but... bans make no sense at all from a public health standpoint. I assume that this is a push from the police department that wants to use facial recognition AI. So yeah double fuck this bullshit
Why? What it the official reasoning? Masked antifa is going to raze the city?
This is the lady who wrote this in 2020. It's quite a turn.
These motherfuckers right here. This is why people get apathetic about your re-elections, local politicians. People are more highly informed and less likely to blame you for shit that isn't your fault. Own goals like this that fuck constituents over: quite another thing.
My best friend lives somewhere they're already pulling this shit. he's immunocompromised and had Covid 4 times and takes public transport. ??? guh
Expecting a politician to remain consistent is a fools errand.
This is the main number for her office: (213) 978-0600 They want an LA zip code. Leave a comment here; they want a full LA address for this.
Constituent Services | Mayor Karen
The voicemail box was full. I used the web form and WENT OFF on her for even considering a mask ban.