
DMV drivers are bad, they’ll drive like they’re straight out of Mad Max New York drivers are assholes, they will make your life worse if it makes theirs better Boston drivers are actively malicious. They’re slamming the defect button on the prisoner’s dilemma every time
I maintain that Boston drivers aren’t bad, they’re spiteful.
And yet we have the lowest traffic fatalities per VMT in the country somehow
I'm not disagreeing with your assessment to be clear. It's just a head scratcher.
If you expect everyone to defect you’re prepared for it tbh. Defensive driving!
Wgen I first moved to MA, I was in awe. It was chaos, but...organized? Everyone drives like shit, and they expect it from everyone else, so they can drive/maneuver accordingly.
You say DMV, but it's really Maryland
You say Maryland, but it’s really diplomat plates.
On the west coast at least, dmv means department of motor vehicles which is where you get your license. Everyone is a DMV driver.
Yeah, it's a poor nickname, but it's what we have.
DC, Maryland, and Virginia. It's the DC metro.
Not to be confused with DelMarVa, which is the peninsula that contains Delaware and small portions of other, relevant states.
Boston drivers aren’t bad drivers. Boston roads are evil roads and we’ve all learned to survive. “You’re entering on the left of a four lane highway during rush hour and your exit is in a half mile on the right. If you miss this you’ll be half way to the cape before the next exit. Good luck.”
And then there’s Google Maps, which used to route people to Storrow when there was just absolutely no reason to. Going from Back Bay to South End does not require Storrow.
And while I’m complaining, Apple Maps would give up every time I entered a crazy intersection. It would just clear the map and start “rerouting to destination.” Waze didn’t do that, but Waze did actively find every unprotected left between me and anywhere.
24 onto 93 and then off to Milton, or is there *another* hell-juke?
That’s the one. I moved out a while back, and honestly, I kinda miss that intersection.
When I was 19, I commuted to work in Boston by bike In the 80s When NOBODY biked & there were no bike lanes It was a contact sport
I commuted Boston by bike in the early 2000s: still a contact sport.
I still regularly remember driving on Storrow Drive and having somebody pull up next to us, maintain speed, lean out their window, and start hitting our car.
Had a friend who cycled around the harvard area tell the story of nearly getting forced off the road by a car, biking hard to catch up, and spitefully banging on the trunk to get the driver’s attention so he could flip them off
I'd be lying if I didn't admit my footprint was on more than one hood and in more than one door from commuting Allston/Cambridge in the early 2000s.
Gotta be assertive, cant let the drivers push you around!
I have definitely kicked several cars and also t-boned one (this one was their fault)
NY/NJ drivers are aggressive, but predictable. Everyone drives with the expectation that everyone around them is also aggressive. Which is not NEARLY as dangerous as flat-out deranged/not-paying-attention driving, which is Boston’s specialty.
In Dallas, we joke that the best defensive driving is offensive driving. I've had multiple Uber drivers say they moved here from NYC and are surprised at how reckless and aggressive the drivers here are. According to them, NYC is controlled chaos, but people here are just stupid.
There was also a period where three people drove into my mom's car while she was just sitting there. One time, someone was making a left turn without a light, got cold feet, put the car in reverse, and ran into her. Another time, someone backed out of a parking space without looking, right into her.
Forgot what the third time was, it was the only one where I wasn't in the car with her. But the driver had no insurance.
Also just a matter of capacity for chaos. NYC drivers do annoying shit but it’s like cutting you off to make a left turn across 3 lanes at 5 mph—annoying AF and wastes a light cycle but you’ll live. Boston drivers will fly up from behind at 90mph then cut in front w no signal for no reason
I want to defend NYC drivers — they’ll do insane things because they want to, and why shouldn’t they, but they’ll also usually accommodate you if you want to do an insane thing. It’s cooperative chaos.
and kill some pedestrians along the way....
NJ drivers make their mistakes decisively.
San Jose drivers aren't bad per se, they're just mildly annoyed by those holograms of other cars cluttering up their vacant freeways.