
This happened with the Spanish flu, too—it’s not present in almost any of the notable art made in the years after it. And, like, of course it’s not. Art isn’t made to be a beat-by-beat retelling of real life, and artists very commonly deal with trauma and disaster of many kinds obliquely.
Maybe I'm a crank but I'm sorry, this is insane
Yeah the problem is that this guy doesn’t want art that deals with the pandemic, he wants Captain America to tell you to wear a mask in 2024
doomcriesatgroundzero.jpg mainline superhero comics are the last media zone that needs to try and run direct parallels to ongoing irl issues, esp if some of them can be mitigated by the assloads of superheroes but then they just don't bc reasons
Captain America famously never cared about health or safety. It would be un-American to protect others.