Jake (Real)

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Jake (Real)


Yankees, other sports, cats, parenting, anything funny or interesting.
Is it sicko behavior to book excursions for a trip that's four months out? Maybe but shut up.
Look man sometimes we have a dentist appointment after work
brushing your teeth in the bathroom at work should be an instant jail sentence
Please for God's sake play Horizon Zero Dawn
I’m sorry, but things have gotten to the point where I saw this and just laughed out loud.
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Reposted byAvatar Jake (Real)
it's really annoying that any time something else terrible happens in the US due to our government/whatever, there are people who are in a rush to be like "why are you surprised???" as though it's a contest to be the most jaded possible person about how terrible all of our lives are. don't do this
Reposted byAvatar Jake (Real)
Astronauts stuck on International Space Station: It's okay, we're good here.
I guarantee you that the sleeping late is the best part here. Why don't little kids appreciate the joy of sleeping in?
Trying not to laugh too hard at the absolute joy in my colleague's voice as he explains to me the luxurious 10th-anniversary weekend away he is about to take without his kids, where they're going to SLEEP LATE and EAT IN A NICE RESTAURANT and WATCH LITERALLY ANY TV THAT IS NOT BLUEY.
Yes you are a curmudgeon, it's nice to have confirmation that someone's running on time.
am i a curmudgeon or are “on my way” texts unnecessary? like i’ll just see you there when we said we’d be there idfk stop it i’m not your mommy!!!
Where are my Sim Tower buds
what's everyone's favorite non-city Sim game. i always loved sim copter, being able to fly around a city you made was so neat. i had simearth as a kid but could barely understand it and am also i feel like one of three people to ever play simisle (not good)
Dying of heat stroke to own the libs
Thrilled to know we got water in the woke wars.
The "mute thread" function here is still totally broken, folks.
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Shit like this is how we got Doctor Doom crying on 9/11
Maybe I'm a crank but I'm sorry, this is insane
I am sometimes embarrassed by how online I am but I have no idea what everyone is so mad about on this website and I'm thrilled.
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what’s your fav clickbait mine is when articles go “NEW (upcoming blockbuster) RELEASE DATE ANNOUNCED” and then spend the entire article summarizing the trailer, offering zero release dates
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One of the wildest "entire audience has the same reaction at the same time" moments I've ever had at the movies wasn't "On your left" or Cap with Mjolnir in Endgame. It was the fate of Bing Bong in Inside Out as an entire audience of adults suddenly had the same realization, simultaneously.
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Kendrick Lamar teaches us that, in public debate, refuting your opponent's arguments point by point is less effective than identifying your opponent's single greatest weakness and maintaining message discipline.
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listen all y'all, it's a
Really is nuts that an expectation of adult life is that you can operate a very dangerous machine that can kill you/others if your attention drifts for a second. Also it's filled with things designed to distract you.
I really think that quite a few USians do not consider cars to be DEADLY WEAPONS even when not misused. Like when you get inside the car, does the car actually disappear?
Flying halfway around the world four days after the election, feeling good about my decision.
This is how the election would turn out if the individual state betting markets proved to be true as of today, making November to March a very good time to go on a nice extended overseas vacation.
Gently patting the Bsky algorithm on the head and slowly explaining that I don't want to see furry art or thirst traps of any kind, ever.
the Google call screen feature is very good, I have had zero scammers bother to try and get around it. Another win for Team Android
The first rule of avoiding scam calls is to never answer unknown numbers, and even some known ones. Curious? Bored? Worried it’s an emergency? Wait the extra minute it takes for the call to go to voice mail, then decide if it’s legitimate.
Sick of scams? Stop answering your phone.www.washingtonpost.com Phone scams are still hugely popular — and they depend entirely on people curious enough to answer.
"PUNCH AJ" was the greatest ASG final vote campaign ever
A.J. Pierzynski Catcher Debut: 1998 - Retired 2016 MIN - TEX - SFG - ATL - STL - CHW - BOS
A.J. Pierzynski at baseball-reference.combaseball-reference.com Career stats of A.J. Pierzynski
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You, a carbrain: I’m on a highway to hell Me, an urbanist who values sustainable transportation: I’m going off the rails on a crazy train