
Maybe I'm a crank but I'm sorry, this is insane
With the exception of Knives Out 2, which used magic to dispose of the pandemic in the first act, nobody wants to relive some of the worst shit that happened!
They also pushed an update to the Spider-Man game for PS4 that made a bunch of the NPCs walking around New York cough and wear masks
Miles Morales has that too! And it was released during the pandemics’ peak
Do you think these artists from the interwar period were trying to relive the great war, or were they simply trying to deal with the scars it left on society in their work? As artists are apt to do.
the term *interwar* seems to be your answer here. they were processing the trauma inflicted on their generation after WWI, no? that's a timescale of decades after the fact for that trauma processing, this guy seems to be demanding concurrent creation.
Batman IS an interwar creation, folks. So is Buck Rogers, Felix the Cat, Doc Savage and The Shadow I guess they were doing it wrong too
Putting aside for a moment how much work on the subject was done during the war let's hit the nail on the head. The famous painting was done in response to the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic.
screenshot in OP is taking about mass media productions, which take months or years to make. if you want examples of random but fairly influential people making things in 2020, those exist. I'm fond of the FoldingIdeas video about Pandemic, really captures how awful I felt.
It's not reliving it to acknowledge the reason many people don't want to sit in a dangerous movie theater, or a crowded concert is the ongoing pandemic. And the lack of it in art and culture is why you think it's "insane" to even mention it. Hush, taboo, wouldn't want to spook the customer.
This part. Yes, artists are not required to traumatize themselves! But also, it's WEIRD AF that so many shows and movies just...didn't acknowledge its existence at all. TV isn't reality, but it usually at least *tries* to pretend it happens in our world (unless outright fantasy/SF).
Magic? Or a fake spray from the think tank of a canonically not-smart billionaire?
Shit like this is how we got Doctor Doom crying on 9/11
I have this guy blocked but iirc last summer he was predicting a surge beyond omicron based on extrapolating wastewater trends for three months and like... the guy doesn't have the background to be making those proclamations and was totally wrong.
They were so self-evidently incorrect that even my dumb ass was able to debunk them
i mean, he appears to have a phd in molecular biology from cambridge, but epidemiology forecasting is much closer to a dynamical systems problem. i *do* have a phd with an emphasis on dynamical systems, and even there i'm not really qualified to make sweeping pronouncements against what experts say.
that person is actively an infohazard and has broken the brains of several of my friends, it really fucking sucks
The idea that some comic book characters could meaningfully change the trajectory of the pandemic after state and federal governments mostly left people to fend for themselves is outrageous
You could have had Steve Rogers become Nomad again I guess lol
i didn't know what i was looking for when i started reading these replies, and it turns out this, this is what i was looking for, A+
Real "why didn't Turning Red acknowledge 9/11" energy if I'm being honest
That was one of the most hilarious takes I have ever read.
i've long thought this person, who I constantly see being RTed and shared on IG by my covid-cautious leftist friends, is completely bonkers and, even worse, frequently takes data that they don't know how to read and makes big sweeping statements the data doesnt support
The further you are from power, the more that consumption choices feel like power. But also? Just mad goofy to think that Dr. Strange helping first responders or Iron Man masking up would do anything for the causes you believe in.
Should the villains wear N95s to saturate the visual good example? Or should they explicitly*not* wear N95s so that readers make the association between not masking & villainy?
Does Wolverine wear a mask just to show the importance of public health guidelines, or does he respect the science?
Dr. Ock was my question: - doesn't already wear a face covering - is a villain (so should largely be shown doing bad things) - but, is also a scientist
Is the Joker an anti-vaxxer or a Covid doomer?
Joker is DC. Get it together man
Joker is hardcore anti-mask mandates. Sure, the masks don't do much to minimize the effects of his Joker Gas, but they do hide the hideous death rictus, which is the whole damn point of the stuff.
Masking *is* respecting the science for most people - M95s reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission rates dramatically - but in Wolverine's case he *can't* catch or transmit it. Other hand, nobody bitches that the Iraq War and the Ukraine invasion aren't in comics. Why this?
What was that comic where the villains got upset about 9/11?
It was an issue of Spider-Man. I still have it somewhere. Amazing stuff. Especially because it's John Romita Jr on art so it's really incredibly well done depictions of the cringiest stuff you've ever seen
Oh yeah, I see it now. Your description is on point
That dude has been mad that no one listens to him for a long time now
doctor doom crying about 9/11 really got across how awful it was, i don't think the country would've put that together without it
Hmm. I don't know who Doctor Doom is, which must be why I have never heard of 9/11 despite having watched the Towers collapse on TV.
But it always works out great when comics reference real-world events!
You are the fifth person to bring this up lmao
Headcanon of mine is that Doom was crying that the plane didn't hit the Baxter Building
I mean that would make more sense
you are not the crank here
I think any discussion of this has to start with the fact that the most comparable recent event, the 1918 flu, was memory-holed so actively and thoroughly that it’s difficult for historians to study it. Contra WWI, which happened just before and during and KILLED FEWER PEOPLE.
There is at least some evidence to support the idea that people generally do not like to create or consume art about pestilence.
I generally appreciate Dr. Tran’s perspective but there’s a lot of layers of government and public health malpractice to chew on before getting anywhere near “why don’t entertainment conglomerates do things that their market research has likely indicated will lose them a bundle of money?”