
I think we all know what I think of Sal…
Sal, for better or worse, was THE Marvel house style in the 1970s. Dude cranked out 3 books a month! Of course, they were all stock poses and the same 5 facial expressions, but hey they were easy to read. Makes Kirby's output in the 1960s even more astounding, because Jack never relied on formula.
I had the crazy luck that in one of the few stories I drew for Marvel, Sal inked it and I got to talk to him over the phone. He told me he never really wanted to pencil but Stan kept bugging him to, he was happier inking.
good now I have jpegs of those two pages finally!
Hah! That’s what he told me, too. Those regular phone calls with him when we were doing a D&D comic are one of my priceless memories from this career…
I have heard that before! I’m too paranoid about screwing other’s people’s work up to be comfortable inking other people (as I’m not nearly at pro levels), but I love actually inking my own work, and I get the appeal of not having to do the layout part.