Yuna Oh

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Yuna Oh

Research Associate at America’s Voice. Views are my own 💯
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The GOP is telling us exactly what their priority is, using deadly white nationalist rhetoric about a "migrant invasion" & to crate a show-me-your-papers force to round up millions, deporting Dreamers and ripping apart American families with mass family separation. This is their priority.
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Trump wouldn't answer who he'll deport at the debate. Seems important given how this is a top priority. Someone needs to get the details: "A re-elected Trump would quickly set up vast camps and deport millions of people in the U.S. illegally"
Behind the Curtain: Trump's imperial presidency in Trump would come to office with a Cabinet and staff pre-vetted for loyalty, and a fully compliant Republican coalition in Congress — devoid of critics in positions of real power.
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"Trump’s unsparing mass-deportation plan is the single most consequential immigration topic of this election, and his refusal to engage on the subject and its potential consequences for every single American is a telling admission of its unpopularity." &
Answer the Question About Mass Deportation! Despite all his nativist lies Trump dodged the direct question to explain his plan to deport Dreamers and rip apart American families with his mass deportation agenda.
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Trump wouldn't answer last night. Every Republican should be asked: Do you support Trump's plan to deport every undocumented immigrant in America, including those who have jobs, including those whose spouses are citizens, and including those who have lived here for decades? Wrote this last week👇
With Mass Deportation is A Kitchen Table Issue The Devastating Consequences of the GOP’s Signature Promise are Worth Talking About
Mass Deportation is Kitchen The Devastating Consequences of the GOP’s Signature Promise are Worth Talking About
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so Biden is old, we knew that. showed tonite, no doubt and, Trump is a lying, racist, xenophobic fascist and made that very fucking clear tonite
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Trump, Who Incited Insurrection After Losing In 2020, Refuses To Say He Will Accept Outcome of 2024 Election there's your fucking headline.
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It’s heads I win tails you lose. That’s it. That’s Trump’s electoral strategy and his fallback plan and his philosophy. Asking him about “accepting” a loss of his is virtually a non-question.
Ok just to be clear obviously if the current polling holds Trump has a good shot at winning outright, but re: his debate bullshit tonight about “accepting” or not if he loses in Nov., that’s not a game he’s playing! This is the only game Trump is playing:
‘Georgia Is Our Laboratory’: Inside Trump’s Plan to Rig Team Trump sees Georgia as ‘a road map’ for putting Trump’s heads-I-win-tails-you-lose philosophy of elections into practice
Another display of Trump’s lies
Trump: “Charlottesville was a made up story” Also Trump: “our country is Charlottesville and is exploding” #DebateNight
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Trump: “Charlottesville was a made up story” Also Trump: “our country is Charlottesville and is exploding” #DebateNight
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Let’s shift our focus, ok? Donald Trump was fucking incoherent tonight. Yes, he’s always incoherent, but his answers were wholly detached from reality. You know what works better than appeal? Disgust. And there’s a lot in his answers that would disgust people if it were pointed out. So point it out.
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Part of the reason the debate felt awful was they didn’t cut the mics and they didn’t push back on *anything.* Biden probably would have benefited from pushback so he could generate answers from the hip; Trump would have collapsed.
Let’s shift our focus, ok? Donald Trump was fucking incoherent tonight. Yes, he’s always incoherent, but his answers were wholly detached from reality. You know what works better than appeal? Disgust. And there’s a lot in his answers that would disgust people if it were pointed out. So point it out.
Kind, many years of political experience elderly > sociopathic, lying, family separator elderly The decision to be fair are pretty clear cut. #DebateNight #Debate2024
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He did. His allies have been lying about that for almost 8 years
I was at the Trump Tower Charlottesville press conference. Trump clearly called them "fine people."
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Notice how Trump keeps coming back to his nativist attacks throughout the debate but dodged the question about his signature policy of mass deportation, which would target Dreamers and separate American families rounding up millions into detention camps.
CNN asked a very important question @ the debates if Trump supported mass deportation of spouses, working immigrants that are friends & families. Clearly Trump couldn’t answer & pivoted this “policy” is a no brainer voter losing rhetoric. 🤢🤮 Could’ve been Trump achilles heel… #Debate2024
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In his first response, Trump pushed the nativist lie about jobs that he is pushing at his rallies, indicative of his campaign, no real plans to improve the lives of working people, just falsely blaming immigrants.
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Unfortunately, Tapper failed to follow up on his important question about mass deportation, Trump failed to answer. And Biden missed the opportunity to tell the nation that Trump has a mass family separation plan that will use the military and the police to rip American families apart.
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on one hand, Trump and his acolytes are saying Biden is going to be on drugs tonite on the other hand, Trump's campaign is pushing a new ad on Truth Social "if you’re having trouble sleeping, ask your doctor about BIDENICA….” it's almost like they really can't decide how to handle this debate
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"The Muñoz decision is the product of an extremist Court that no longer even pretends to abide by the doctrine of judicial restraint. . . those Justices used immigration as a tool to expand their attacks on individual rights." via &
Right-Wing Supremes Mimic GOP as They Use Immigration Cases to Lay Groundwork for Broader Attacks on Individual Department of State v. Muñoz is the latest example for not relying on the Court as the backstop for our rights
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Before the Biden-Trump debate, here's a reminder of Project 2025 and what Trump plans to do on immigration in a second term. From ending #DACA and deporting Dreamers to rolling out a "red-state army," these are dystopian policies that he should have to explain tomorrow👇
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It looks like we know the outcomes of both abortion cases this term, so I'm here to say: These are punts, not vindications. Justice Jackson rightfully warns us that "storm clouds loom ahead"
These Are Not Abortion Since 2007, Jezebel has been the Internet's most treasured source for everything celebrities, sex, and politics...with teeth.
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When convicted felon Donald Trump talks about immigrants as “not human beings” and “animals,” he’s talking about people like my mom. She came to the U.S. more than four decades ago to create a better life for herself. She isn’t “poisoning the blood” of America. She is the American story.
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Your work also feeds us, Jesus. Thank you. #WeFeedYou
Jesus worked in agriculture for 17 years in the Salinas CA area. He says, "Currently I'm working thinning the lettuce. I work 8 hrs a day. The repetitive work with the hoe is very tiring on my hands. My feet hurt from walking so much. But the work feeds my family." #WeFeedYou
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“78% of The New York Times' articles were focused on just Biden’s age or mental acuity but not Trump's while only 6% — 2 articles — were focused on just Trump's. 16% of articles were focused on both candidates' ages or mental acuities.”
President Biden's age "may be nothing but a number," our critic Jason Farago writes. "But the perception of his age has become desperately entangled with cultural connotations of elderliness, formed over centuries, handed down to us through religion and literature and art."
Age and the Image of President Biden’s toughest opponent may not be his predecessor. It is the cultural meaning, built up through centuries, that we assign to being old.