
even the most cynical lefty shitposters would like democrats a lot more if they just made clear that republicans, suck, akshually
a weird contradiction is that supposedly disloyal lefty voters are actually very strong "negative partisans" in that they hate republicans more than the actual democrats do
like the only people who seemed to care that Cuomo engineered a republican state senate in the new york for a decade were evil lefties
very strong urge among the movers and shakers of the Democratic party to "not stir things up, come on, we've got a good thing going here"
I dislike ALL capitalists, regardless of there chosen political party
“when they go low, we go lose news cycles”
It would also help if they didn’t take the issues pushed by allies, such as Black voter and organizers in Georgia and Muslim voters in Michigan, and pretend that only online white leftists care about them so they can mock the very idea of doing what these voters wanted.
Where is the dark Hakeem Jeffries who constantly talks about how evil, short sighted, and out of touch with Americans Republicans are? I want that guy communicating for them, not someone constantly signaling that they can reach across the aisle.
Play hardball! How about instead of trying to appease the immigration hawks the progressives demand that all funding to SCOTUS is frozen UNTIL they rule on the immunity case? Play offense people, not defense!
How many times did/do we have to hear Pelosi admonish/beg? "Pleeease Republicans, PLEASE! [whimper w/trembling lip] we need you!" 100% flan and not hidden to anyone who wishes to see it, ahem.
They’d pick up a fair number of ideologically incoherent independents if Dems had more fight in them as well
I've been saying this for a while. There's a bunch of people who don't care so much about specific policies as they do voting for the side that seems to be fighting for sanity
This. I don't expect you to have all my positions, I would kind of like it if you didn't pretend Rs were normal and make it easier for them to win by getting extra mad at the 4 online unelected people to your left instead of the giant fascist party to the right.