Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor

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Same Great aroma, more Real, buttery flavor

Nice species you got there...
Funny how many libs and leftists 100% bought Trump's *own PR* (the fist) & were thereby convinced his win is inevitable. Trump had the presence of mind to get the shot, so to speak; but for fuck's sake let's not poop our pants. This is not a Costa-Gavras movie. It's still the Dems' to lose AS ALWAYS
"Following the failed assassination attempt on Saturday, former President Donald Trump did not see a polling boost, in the first presidential survey taken since the event....In fact, Trump's lead has narrowed slightly since an earlier poll taken July 12-14" lol. lmao
Surprise: Trump did not get polling boost after Following the failed assassination attempt on Saturday, former President Donald Trump did not see a polling boost, in the first presidential survey taken since the event.In the national Morning Consul...
JD Vance Graduate of Yale Law School Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist Puppet of Peter Thiel Champion of the Common Man
1960s/70s posters for French train operator TEE. Via the excellent
Yes. I'd also note that Twitter has been critical for information from Gaza.
I know a lot of white Americans keep calling Twitter the Nazi bar and lament people still on the app, but Twitter has been integral to the current Kenyan protests. the individualist approach of leaving and judging everyone who remains doesn't do anything.
What do we want?! EVIL OLD GUYS DYING When do we want it?! SOONER
Hey wait a minute shouldn't this say, "In Ukraine, Damage to Public Health Infrastructure Amid Ongoing Fighting?"
I've seen this reskeeted many times, and honestly don't understand it. Who are these people that said this? I'm really asking. It certainly wasn't the Democrats since scaremongering is their one-note samba. A lot of them clearly *think* this, but they don't say it a lot. Who? help me out hive
"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
Regular commercial air service to small markets was an unsustainable fever dream, reflected in the exuberance of the Quincy Regional Airport, designed 1969 by standout local modernist architect John Benya.
Yes - at least. Has any great empire ever declined with something like grace? Anyway, the US is not doing it.
To me, people demanding a US-imposed regime change in China are every bit as threatening to humanity as a second Trump administration.
pigeon murdering royal horse news
whenever i see someone calling politicians "incompetent" or saying things like "governments are failing to fight [insert any societal crisis]" I'd like to remind you that decision makers know ofc exactly what they're doing. they ARE improving lives, just not mine or yours. they're improving theirs.
"You care more about celebrities, while you ignore the homeless" Pasteup spotted in NYC
Sometimes an application is pretty great conceptually and doesn't need to change much. But then it changes a lot! Many such examples in music/video production.
It feels like we live in a time where pretty much all the software we interact with reached its peak at some point in the past and nothing is being improved, and we're all just hoping not to lose the things we now depend on and have given up hope on anything being improved.
"Bury the great highway. Make the Sunset dunes again" Sticker in San Francisco demanding the city's western most road be returned to its natural state
Just a random reminder that the motto of the Salvation Army is "Blood and Fire." Pentax MX, Pentax SMC 55mm f2, Kodak Tri-X 400. #BelieveInFilm #35mmLoveLetter
Via What a cochon.
According to his attorneys, corrupt Senator Bob Menendez eats at Morton’s Steakhouse TWO HUNDRED FIFTY NIGHTS A YEAR
Remember when the Supreme Court declared in Citizens United that unlimited campaign cash would "not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption"? Anyway, Miriam Adelson wants to straightforwardly buy US foreign policy for $100 million.
Speaking of incoherent..Joe Biden: Trump is behind the pale and a threat to motherhood. But I just love his ideas.
This is Trump's exact argument for tarrifs, only borderline incoherent
Columbia Law Review took the whole site down instead of making this law review article available. PDF version available here:
I am a former tech entrepreneur who now works in middle management. My greatest hits include: * virtually every major venture capital investor is an active fascist * there is no such thing as “the technology industry” * everyone is waving red flags but you still only listen to the same 5 lying CEOs
Soon you will not even be able to take a bath without carefully stepping over the button that turns on the AI assistant