
Can't stand this gov. She does whatever the last rich person on the phone tells her to do.
Her and Adams! It’s remarkable, everybody griped about the last mayor/gov combo and the universe conspired to make it worse.
This is well-covered by Hellgate etc, but Adams made some specific transit promises when he ran, then reversed them when he got in office and people gave him bags of money
As a non-NYer who mostly came to the city for reporting trips I never figured out the de Blasio hate. Things seemed to be running fine, NY Post and police union were just at war with him all the time
He wasn’t good at communicating with the public, but compared to who came before and after, the de Blasio hate is like that Simpsons joke about Jimmy Carter being history’s greatest monster.
He mostly didn’t seem interested in being mayor and was kind of absentee. Turns out that’s preferable to a bad mayor being VERY interested in it!
Yeah, it was weird that I, a guy who did not live in DC, was aware that he used the same Brooklyn gym all the time instead of one near city hall. Lots of "look at THIS asshole" coverage for pretty minor stuff.
I think it was in part that he is kind of an oaf and in part that Bloomberg's era was viewed positively by those with platforms and in part that BDB overlapped with the Trump emergence uncertainty.
He ran on progressive ideas and then was blocked from implementing them, so he gave up. He criticized the police until they arrested his daughter and made veiled threats against his family. The cringey part was that he tried to launch a national political profile and failed. Branded as kinda lazy.
BdB was captive to his donors, esp Big Real Estate. Like Adams but less of a showboat
New Yorkers are like Canadians: never satisfied with what they’ve got
I think he got spooked after the police unions blamed him for 2 cops being shot in Brooklyn, and he reigned in his progressive goals a lot after; but he was a decent administrator. Compare NYC’s COVID response to NYS and federal, and I think it’s no contest.
Well, it was oddly similar to the Dinkins hate. Funny, that.
I think opinions of him crystallized after the cops turned their back on him at that funeral and he never recovered, just like Biden and Afghanistan
it was basically this, and then he was center left/sometimes a bit centrist so other folks disliked him for that.
I strongly suspect that Cuomo was actively shivving him at all times.
That's OK, as a NY-er I never figured it out either, no more than "haters gonna hate"
If the NY Post and police union hate you, you are definitely doing a lot of things right.
Exactly my take. He was horrible at communication but looking at what happens now he was a genius
On the plus side, if Cuomo were trying to kill congestion pricing it would already be dead. The fact that this leaked before she has a plan gives me hope she’s too incompetent to pull it off.
It's like there's a constant struggle between the governor and the mayor of NYC to see who can be more awful. This one is going to get decided on points.
100%! Just totally dispiriting stuff.
Thing is, I know some blue collar guys who feel like they’re gonna get crushed by congestion pricing, but they don’t even make about that
A monkey’s paw to end all monkey paws
She’s better than Cuomo
They're both shitty conservatives but at least one hasn't been accused of sexual harassment?
She must be on the phone with Manhattan commercial real estate developers *a lot*.
I was seething reading this article. Listen, I'm sorry NJ voters decided to go with the guy who decided to tank their best chance at upgrading their hudson river crossings in order to pay for property tax deductions for rich people but that aint my problem
As far as I can tell, Hochul and Adams can both be understood through the same simple analysis: they're deeply stupid and easily influenced by even modestly wealthy/powerful conservatives.
The same New York businesses they say would be hurt by the tolls?
She’s part of the Two’fer Of Suck between her office and the NYC Mayor
Incredible. Does Hochul ever do anything for NYC that makes sense? Does she know about trains?
New Yorkers are exceptionally good at electing leaders we quickly come to despise. I don’t understand how it keeps happening, but we’re on a stellar streak at the moment.
She is the worst
Well, since they won't give us back our non-resident income tax because it would hurt suburban NY voters...
I would simply build more trains. But I guess I'm just different.
When does Cuomo say miss me yet? (I don’t)
that won't happen either, legislative session ends in a day - congestion pricing will be on hold until after the election and then it will proceed
"Wait! Who's not mad yet? How can we make them angry as well?"