Chuck Wendig

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Chuck Wendig

Apple monster, book writer, Disney princess
we are very hostile toward one another, because of love
brian don't smoke skunks, we talked about this, it's why we sent you to rehab sorry, "rehab" I'm legally bound to use the air quotes
oh it's not your fault, if you didn't know he and I were just BANTERIN' like silly fools, one might assume it was a hostile exchange
sure, you can go to the cellar
no no we are friends, our combat is playful! brian is the best
What? Totally get them used or from a library.
wow you are comin in a little hot, what did I do to earn this ire, broban
are YOU eating the skunky rib
Reposted byAvatar Chuck Wendig
Prime Day is a great day to order from Bookshop, which does online ordering and delivery for indie bookstores. You can pick your favorite local store to support or use this link to support Minneapolis’s all-volunteer Boneshaker Books:
And I also remind you that BOOKSHOP DOT ORG is still doing free shipping until tonight, and that supports indie stores, as well. So go on, get after it. Books are cool. Books are your friend. Books make you A BETTER HUMAN and contain CURSES and HEXES against your many foes. Probably. Whatever.
Boneshaker Books Boneshaker Books is a volunteer-run, radical bookstore based in the Seward neighborhood of Minneapolis, MN. We aim to...
Reposted byAvatar Chuck Wendig
Bookshop dot org is awesome!! For those that may not know, you can "tag" your local, indie bookstore as "your store" when you purchase through them, and they get a cut of the sale. Groovy!! Even if you don't tag a store, a cut goes into a pool spread evenly among all indies!
will you also buy ME a prime rib
Prime Day, Schmime Day. Hey, listen, indie bookstores are out there being awesome every day. And they tend to ship directly to you, even if you're not local to the store. They're where the books live! And booksellers are book wizards! Bonafide bibliomancers fast with the recommendations.
And I also remind you that BOOKSHOP DOT ORG is still doing free shipping until tonight, and that supports indie stores, as well. So go on, get after it. Books are cool. Books are your friend. Books make you A BETTER HUMAN and contain CURSES and HEXES against your many foes. Probably. Whatever.
Yeah and my kiddo loved it, to be sure.
Reposted byAvatar Chuck Wendig
It means so much to me that I make eyeballs and yinz respond with huge enthusiasm. Consider, if you will, that I also SELL my work and it’s on Etsy! (Link in bio etc)
The healing power of making 30 eyeballs. 🧶
Perhaps one day! Probably need to get the kiddo through his schooling here yet, I figure
yeah I blockity block block at the slightest provocation -- but I also follow people regularly who I think will keep the timeline fun/useful/interesting and... my experience here has been pretty all right, especially compared to the Dead Bird Site
Reposted byAvatar Chuck Wendig
Some nice copy here …apparently California now has batteries roughly equivalent to 5 Diablo Canyons (in capacity, not run time…)
"No rolling blackouts or grid emergencies as California continues on path to a carbon free grid. Several strategies, including upgrades to vulnerable parts of the grid at play here, but key enabler is more clean energy, especially solar, and above all, battery storage..." 😀
California Grid Breezes Through Heat Wave due to Renewables, No rolling blackouts or grid emergencies as California continues on path to a carbon free grid. Several strategies, including upgrades to vulnerable parts of the grid at play here, but key enabler …
I love love loooooved Porto and Gaia. I deeply wish I lived there!
Reposted byAvatar Chuck Wendig
This is stunning.
I’m going to start with the absolutely jaw-dropping news that The New York Times deceptively edited a quote to make it appear that JD Vance opposes a national abortion ban. —
GOP Platform Author Admits There's a National 7.16.24
little bangsnaps to throw at his heels from a distance
I will take this small joy and hold it close.
Trump is 100% now imagining getting shot at every time he gets in front of a crowd, for the rest of his life.
Reposted byAvatar Chuck Wendig
There have apparently been two incidents involving armed men (including a fatal shooting by police) today, right outside the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.
Cop Fatally Shoots ‘Armed’ Suspect Just Outside The officer who opened fire was from Columbus, Ohio, and was attending the RNC.