Chuck Wendig

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Chuck Wendig

Apple monster, book writer, Disney princess
oh yeah the fox is by Bordalo II -- lot of their art around Portugal, like the Half-Rabbit in Porto (er, technically, Gaia) if you hadn't seen it:
Things are weird and unpleasant in the news! I like to counterprogram my brain and looking at / processing photos does that for me, so hey, here are four photos of mine from my trip to Portugal. Please to enjoy. Or don't. I'm not your boss. I was, but they fired me for stealing office supplies.
“Oh shit, Joe Biden made a gaffe, that’s definitely a sign his brain has recently turned to pudding —“ Joe Biden 16 years ago:
EUROPEAN ROBIN: a precious feather baby, a ruddy sky dumpling, a good friend, will help you find your keys, full of ice cream AMERICAN ROBIN: big, often wet, surly, has your wallet, killed a rat underneath the bird feeder to make an example to the other animals
what the fuck
Well goddamn if they didn't have me pinned. Gift link if you want to do yours.
Oh hey tech firms what’s up, I found the miracle solution: throw this unwanted AI shit into the fucking trash where it belongs
Hey. Psst. Hey, kid. Over here. I hear you want some EVIL APPLE STICKERS? And you also want me to give you an evil heirloom apple varietal all your own? Just pre-grab the BLACK RIVER ORCHARD paperback from Doylestown Bookshop before it hits. Deets here:
This goldfinch seemed to be posing for me, so now the goldfinch is posing for you, too.
fine here is a whale playing guitar
the chaser:
A great article. The creators of large language models don’t think they have to obey the rules of society, because they believe they’re creating a new society where they’ll be the rulers.
OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire The Scarlett Johansson debacle is a microcosm of AI’s raw deal: It’s happening, and you can’t stop it.
PSST. If you were like, "Hey I really want that evil apple book by Chuck Wendig but all I have are these accursed one-hundred and ninety-nine pennies," you will find it on sale for *exactly that price* at all your favorite electronic bookmongers.
you like-a the tiny spider? I give-a you the tiny spider
did a brood of cicadas write this
I love them! I found a nest the other day and got a lot of shots of the nest makers.
new fox just dropped
HEY the world is on fire but at least there's #InverteFest -- And here is... uhhh, some kind of hover fly, probably??
It's day 2 of #InverteFest! Of all the species on this planet, do you know what percentage of them are invertebrates? Roughly 95%!! So forget about all those overrated megafauna and go find some spineless friends because there's plenty of them to meet.
hah, already did that one --
BUG DROP -- hey, look at this li'l springtail I snapped a shot of #InverteFest
It's close to midnight in Seattle so that means it's time to POST YOUR BUGS!! #InverteFest has begun! Now through the last day of April.
I am all in for Conan O’Brien going full goblin mode
Yeah we're rewilding ours too and I know our richie-rich neighbors definitely stare at us with this face
A good article on this, if you wanna read it.
HELLO please look at the shiny cool new cover for BLACK RIVER ORCHARD in paperback (cover design by Regina Flath) okay thank you.
Hey so I actually WENT to the cool automata museum — the Morris Museum in Morristown NJ — and I can confidently say, you 100% don’t need AI to punch up how weird and cool (and uhhh totally cursed) it is:
Bummer to see that AI-generated "art" there on that BoingBoing article. They're enticing you to go to a cool museum by... showing you random AI art of something that isn't that museum. Like, just show the museum, what the fuck.