
It's amazing how fast these folks go from "sincere question" to melting down over someone asking *them* a sincere question.
Yeah, you got me. I'm a fraud, a troll. What is with you people? No one can ask a sincere question of someone they think has more knowledge than they do, whose opinion they respect, without being called a troll?
What question did I not answer?
Christ you're either so stupid it hurts or so obtuse that you're confirming you're trolling.
Just because I fear you're actually this stupid, these are not *technically* questions, but they are requests for information that you then melted down and didn't answer.
I didn't melt down at all. You might not know what melt down means. But since I'm getting attacked for no reason by the Sincerity Police, I said elsewhere that I'd love someone like Michael Bennet
So then why did you respond otherwise when this response would have sufficed?
People might be inclined to get upset when they've been accused multiple times of being something they aren't. Not everyone is an online warrior. Normies catch strays on here.
Their trolling responses seem to indicate otherwise.
I have seen nothing from this guy that indicates trolling. You just disagree with him. Trolling implies bad faith.
Except literally multiple posts that I have cited.
They aren't trolling unless you think it's trolling to even suggest wanting to replace Biden. It isn't! Lots of sincere people want this.
Anyone talking about replacing Biden on the ticket in June 2024, is either coming from a place of incredible political naivete, or is acting in bad faith. Idk which Jerry is.
The question was essentially answered when Biden said he was running for a 2nd term in April 2023 & not a single serious person chose to run against him.
I think it's only "incredible political naivete" among our very small set of hyper-engaged partisans. I think it's pretty common outside of that.
Do you think Biden is going to be an incoherent mess in the debate? That's the scenario Jerome was floating, along with concerns over frailty that probably came from watching 10 second clips generated by right wingers.
No, not necessarily. I think he could have a bad debate if he forgets a name or misspeaks at a critical moment, though, which will (sadly) get much more emphasis in the media than Trump's ramblings. If support craters after the debate, he should at least consider stepping aside as an option.
I don’t think that, but I can also understand someone thinking that if they’re not following closely.
normies - actual normies, not you or me or any of us in this thread, let's be honest - fucking love Joe Biden and would be remarkably repelled by anyone other than he himself (who? who has this power? outside of weirdo leftoid fantasies?) deciding unilaterally to replace him in the election
I said elsewhere that no one has the power other than Biden himself. My initial answer to Jerome’s question was that the only way it will happen is if Biden is convinced he needs to step aside, so it’s unlikely. But we probably should deal with the reality that he isn't popular with ordinary people.
i wouldnt even accept biden unilaterally replacing himself with someone he picked, thats not how we do elections thats how kings work
Given the typical media, I wouldn't even call it naivete. Remember that until fairly late, many people thought the Republicans might not nominate Trump. Many people are trusting sources which used to be reliable and are no longer.
Somehow, I doubt people on Truth Social are engaging in discussions about maybe replacing Trump at the convention with someone younger, who doesn't ramble incoherently or have the baggage of 34 felonies. The main reason we aren't talking about that here, is buying into the wrong narrative.
I mean, they should! They'd have a much better chance at winning. It’s largely good that our party isn't united around cultish devotion to one person.
That's the point. This is not about just asking questions. It's about forcing Biden out to get some candidate they like better.
It literally is! It's concern trolling to the extreme! It's utterly unrealistic and absurd! We already had these convos months ago, years ago at this point!
Who is "we"? You can't assume that everyone online has the same deep knowledge of lore that you do.
Bruh he's shit posting with the best of em
How is that not a legitimate point? Biden isn't senile, but if he can't shake the public perception that he's not up to the job, that's a legitimate problem.
This "I'm concerned about what other people might think about this thing that I'm going to tell them they need to be concerned about" bit is utterly transparent and tired. I might allow some plausible deniability if he had not literally called Biden dropping out a "pipe dream"
Literally the definition of concern trolling lol
Exactly. It's shitty that I'm being gaslit on this.
He said Biden should be replaced. He was asked how that would happen and who would replace him. He responded by not answering. He was called on the not answering. Nobody called him a troll. He then responded 'so now I'm a troll?' to which I would say 'yes, that answer there makes you a troll.'
This makes it sound like you've read the original thread, not just seen a screenshot, so I’ll ask: who is Jerome’s original question directed toward?
I'm basing my comments entirely on the screenshot, which is all >this< thread is about. All I have to go by is a screenshot, so I can't see the original thread, can I? A screenshot provides no link to the original thread. How could I possibly have seen it?
You can use the search function to find Jerome’s original comment in context. Even if you're just using the screenshot, you can see that eight other people replied to Jerome, meaning you shouldn't so confidently act like you know what happened.
Perhaps, but I've seen enough in this thread to know that Jerome is a troll. And I'm beginning to question your sincerity as well. If you legitimately think Biden should not be the nominee, then explain how he would be replaced on the ticket. If you refuse to answer, you're trolling.
Jerome responded to a post from Paul, a political science professor. He was *asking* Paul, the expert, a question. Why should *he* then get brigaded? 1/
Really not that hard to understand!
For your information, I was called troll several times. But think what you want
Literally once in that screenshot before anyone asked you a question.
You're right, I was mistaken. Someone did call him a troll, but not the originator of this thread. As far as I'm concerned he wasn't trolling until he refused to answer the question and then responded defensively to being called on that.
I'm just going by the thread that was posted as an image at the start of this thread.
Do you think it might be a mistake to join a pile-on when you don't have all the information or context?