Dan of La Mancha

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Dan of La Mancha


Knitter. Cishet he/him. Pro-choice, pro-LBGTQ+. Normie liberal. Rural NE Washington. Debate perverts get blocked.
If for no other reason, turn out to vote to spite the “men who have never done anything but sniff their own farts” club.
In same article New York Times conveniently didn't mention that "supportive" James Zogby is a long-time Bernie Sanders supporter, advisor, & a member of Sanders' "Sanders Institute." He was also a board member of Our Revolution & wanted Sanders to stay in the race longer in 2020 like he did in 2016.
Oh hey, a group associated with Dean Phillips has now switched to full time ratfucking against Biden, who'd'a thunk it?
Jerry Nadler is too old and infirm to serve in Congress and must resign immediately
Comedians collectively decided after 2020 that they were going to all stop telling jokes and focus on being bigots who complain about any criticism of their bigotry.
I know they get rolled all the time but for the Times to get rolled by “actually they just want to reclaim the values of Western civilization as they see it … with larger families and fewer immigrants” is the Times putting the 14 words in the paper
Am I cooler than the least cool thing imaginable? Yeah, probably.
Stephen Miller now following Trump's lead and saying he has nothing to do with Project 2025. 1. His organization is on the Project 2025 advisory board. 2. He recorded a video as part of Project 2025 training tools 3. You can see Mandate for Leadership, the Project 2025 publication in the background
If you see someone say “imperial core” in here they’re talking about Star Wars. They’re larping as a Star Wars character
Just a reminder that Michelle Wolf nailed it at the White House Correspondents Dinner. NYT, I’m looking in your direction especially.
Ok but I think being suspended for a year would be a very funny outcome and would show that they got the joke
Well this all seems horrible dot gif
My neighbor has been cutting and baling his hay fields for the last several days and I can smell the diesel fumes from the tractor 1/4 mile away.
I feel like it should be mentioned that Novogratz wants to be kingmaker at 59 to "oppose gerontocracy"
whelp, guess the big interview didn't give them what they wanted since the goalposts have now moved to "can he win over crypto investors with inexplicable politics" www.cnbc.com/2024/07/06/b...
Joe Biden should go to New York and give an interview to an alt-weekly on the street in front of the NYT.
I thought Kendrick was saying “F.A.N. in a ‘69 Dodge” but apparently it’s “F.A.N., he a 69 God” which doesn’t make sense to me as a diss but I accept i’m not the target audience
"Having lost the primary, I now intend to ratfuck the guy who won" It's a whole subculture of guys who have never lost, have their proximate systems rigged up so they can't lose, & are mortally offended that there's a system that doesn't let them win
whelp, guess the big interview didn't give them what they wanted since the goalposts have now moved to "can he win over crypto investors with inexplicable politics" www.cnbc.com/2024/07/06/b...
whelp, guess the big interview didn't give them what they wanted since the goalposts have now moved to "can he win over crypto investors with inexplicable politics" www.cnbc.com/2024/07/06/b...
This shit earns an instant block, I don’t care if you’re joking or not (Kurt Anderson reposting a Daily Beast piece on drafting Al Franken)
Completely mind melted by how amazing this embroidery by peacocksandpinecones.co.uk is. Zoom in on the detail
Republicans didn’t get the story they wanted out of that interview so they’re falsely claiming he had some medical emergency on Air Force One.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Are Both Guilty Of The Same Original Sin: Being Registered Democrats In Power, please read my latest in the NYT!!!!
The view that Trump is bad but Biden is worse is not liberalism, progressivism, leftism, or socialism. It's insanity or corruption, probably both.
"Why aren't you posting about Gaiman" because I don't know anyone, don't know the allegations except they exist, haven't heard the podcast, am far from an expert on any aspect of this & the worst thing about the internet is everyone feeling the need to weigh in on topics they are not qualified to
There are some things that still unite people on social media. #UKElection
By god if every one of these DONORS MAD or BIG PRESS MAD stories doesn't get me more on his side
Reskeet with a tweet you still think about:
reskeet with a tweet you still think about:
For real though it sucks that Britain, a damp rock the size of one of my city's medium sized parks, has a legislature with more representatives than the United States. We deserve better.
No but I love when all you beautiful sickos start posting shit like "Bogroubler flips Hambarn upon Gwynyychlyyrah! A huge result!" It's like hanging out with people being poisoned by carbon monoxide. None of those places are real
Wait, why am I just now learning about this?