
I genuinely don’t understand Levitz’s reasoning. I don’t see why Biden can’t win if people focus on the monster that he’s running against.
Biden gave up a lot of his moral advantage over Trump by lying over and over and over again to our faces.
This is just an insane thing for a person to say who understands, as you do, what trump is.
Maybe that's the underlying fact that's too hard for many people to face. That it's not just the shock of this person we liked being "gone" but also that we were told it wasn't true, we all staked our reputations on that assumption.
No we didn’t. We staked our reputation on *Biden being a good president*, something that remains true.
How dare you try to retcon our own lived experiences? I didn't stake my reputation on "It's fine if he's impaired as long as he's good." I am a national security Democrat and would never have been okay with any lapses in our nuclear deterrence capability.
I believed the claim that he generally has a good memory and is fit, he just couldn't remember the details on the storage of some paperwork from years and years before. A lapse anyone might have. I thought the GOP was playing it up to smear him because they couldn't find any crimes.
And turns out it wasn't Republicans' smearing, it was you all along?
I think this is it. The cognitive dissonance between Joe Wouldn't Lie and This Is Fabulously Untrue.
Do you understand how ethics and morality work, tho.
Because he is going to have more episodes like that. He can't control them with an act of will. It's childish to be so afraid of the successor candidate that you'd want to run someone who is clearly in rapid decline. It's cruel and abusive to him.
Magdalen I think we should respect democracy; we had a primary and he won it. I wouldn’t call your desire to overrule voters “childish”, but I do think it is wrong.
Our democratic process has ALWAYS included the requirement for a candidate to be fit for office in order to keep the nomination. Candidates do not self-declare fitness, it is determined by a doctor because we are not a cult. Refusing to be tested is disqualifying and relieves delegates of pledges.
And HE chose that. All on his own. No one forced him to refuse to be tested. By doing so, he is implicitly saying that even if the test showed impairment HE WOULD STILL WANT TO SERVE. That's disqualifying.
He is certainly fit for office. What people who want to replace him like Levitz believe is that he is not fit to *campaign effectively*. I’m not sure that’s true but in any case it’s not the same thing.
No one who has any episodes of incoherence and confusion is fit for office because only a president can order a retaliatory nuclear strike and we need them to be fit to do that 24/7/365. That's why they transfer powers if they get surgery. It's not safe if you can't wake POTUS up.
A large faction of Democrats apparently completely forgetting that a president has national defense responsibilities is not great.
If this is the one reason we need fitness that you come up with, you need a better one. We need a President that can collect the right groups of people to address key issues that have long histories; this needs the same fitness & is encountered far more often (& successfully!) than your example.
Yep. Say Biden successfully stalls and the press moves on. Then he fritzes out again and the whole process starts over. I don't see why folks think that's a winning strategy against Trump.
They think that they don't need one because Leader Magic.