
People keep saying, “why are folks losing their minds over one night?” Well, it wasn’t just one night. It’s avoiding press conferences. It’s skipping a Super Bowl interview. And, post-debate, it’s “just 32 minutes of combined public comments over 5 days, none of it off the cuff.”
Biden thought he had it under control. Then it got The inside story of the Biden team’s failure over nine days to contain the crisis from his debate with Trump.
So...and I ask this with the utmost sincerity...fucking what. It's July. Replacing the top of the ticket right now is a deranged fantasy and it's one Democrats fall for again and again. The French just showed us how to do it. For the love of god, stop with this already.
Yes, the French just showed us that strategically resigning to consolidate anti-far right coalitions is a winning strategy. There's a winning anti-Trump majority in US, too, but it requires a candidate other than the one who 75-80% feel is too old to do job.
FRANCE UPDATE: The near-final list of candidates who are in the French runoffs is out. Two days ago, 311 districts were going to have 3-way or 4-way runoffs. Then, 200+ candidates dropped out to block far-right. So: There'll be "just" 91 such runoffs this coming Sunday.
Also French snap election was about a month from beginning to end. Four months is US is a comparatively long time. Large bloc of voters won't even start really paying attention until fall.
Elite electoral politics is a LONG way from democracy as I understand it, but within that window, there's such a gap between the US & others. And UK FPTP system is shit.