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Reposted byAvatar BEAUTY PILL
I started therapy a couple weeks ago. I am staying open-minded, but I feel my therapist is maybe overly fascinated with my songs. What they mean, what they say about me, etc. I don’t want to talk about the songs. I have been patient with this so far, but I don’t want it to continue.
Reposted byAvatar BEAUTY PILL
the "violence shook this previously peaceful white christian nationalist rally railing against the vermin tainting the blood of the country" stories are going to destroy me
Yes. For fuck’s sake.
I’m steeling myself against the mental wear and tear of watching democrats be more “upset” about Trump’s bruised ear than they’ve been about thousands of dead Palestinians.
This is how Bloomberg chose to report the French election.🤔
Reposted byAvatar BEAUTY PILL
Roadtrip. Stopped through Ann Arbor, Michigan. Cute college town. We decided to stop in to Zingerman’s Deli, a popular local deli that is known for its good food and punishingly high prices. We got $30 sandwiches we can’t afford and continued on our merry way
A New Zealand friend (the sister of one of my bandmates) left a message on my phone this morning at 4am proposing marriage. I was asleep when the call came in. She understands how freaked out I am. I know it’s a sweet “calm down” gesture. I know she’s not serious. It worked. I feel calmer.
Feel pretty much pure dread all the time. And it’s wholly rational dread. It’s not “depression.”
I don’t know why this seems to happen to me on every social media platform, but there is now a counterfeit Beauty Pill account on Bluesky. is not me.
The answer is ninjas. Rappelling ninjas at night. With garrotes. I will not elaborate.
I feel so ashamed of the DNC.
How do you metabolize certain doom?
Counterpoint: No.
A decent chunk of the pundit demands to drop out are just rich people who will be fine either way wanting something exciting to happen, they’re just bored in the sixth inning of a 0-0 game
Darkest debate moment: Trump mocks Biden for not firing people. In this moment, Trump tries to to turn his most embarrassing trait — his chaotic and haphazard management style and his endless beefs with his cabinet — into an ASSET. If Biden had been lucid and present, he would have called it.
Jill Biden appeared unmoved by panic over Joe Biden’s debate performance while speaking at a campaign event in North Carolina. “I said, ‘Look, Joe, we are not going to let 90 minutes define the four years that you’ve been president,’” she said.
Jill Biden appears unmoved by panic over Joe Biden’s debate “When he gets knocked down, Joe gets back up, and that’s what we’re doing today,” the first lady told attendees at a New York fundraiser.
The best time for Biden to announce he is not running was a year ago. The second best time is now.
My dog is not around. When my dog is not around, I stay up working too late. It’s 4:30 in the morning and I just stopped.
Watching the Gene Wilder documentary on Netflix. I’m halfway through. So far this movie is entirely positive. Wilder is delightful and everyone interviewed says “He was delightful.” We are shown no dark side. If this sounds boring or disingenuous, I have to say it is not. Recommend.
My bandmate Erin is flying to France for vacation. On the flight right now. There are still a couple of vocal tracks left to record for this album we're trying to finish. We agreed she can just record them with her phone... that feeling is more important than audio fidelity. [1/?]
this is fun
Alex Jones was ordered to liquidate his personal assets Friday, as a bankruptcy judge was still considering forcing him to sell his far-right website InfoWars to begin paying the roughly $1.5 billion in damages he owes for claiming the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax.
Alex Jones ordered to sell personal assets as InfoWars’ fate hangs in Courts have awarded Sandy Hook families nearly $1.5 billion in damages against Jones, who used his platform to peddle conspiracies about the school shooting.
unfun topic: When Carrie Fisher died, her mom, Debbie Reynolds, was so overcome by grief that she died the next day. Is this the most famous tragic sequential death of this nature? I can't think of another, but I'm sure I'm forgetting some.
Music scenes die when people stop being self-critical. When people stop trying and let themselves off the hook.
Netanyahu is an obvious menace to humanity and young people know this. If Biden team does not course correct in the next four months, I predict a horrible fate.
Across social media, anger and resentment toward Biden are boiling among Gen Z content creators who say they feel disaffected and betrayed by Biden’s positions on an array of issues, including the war in Gaza, the climate crisis and the president’s decision to support a potential TikTok ban.
Gen Z influencers who supported Biden in 2020 turn against The Gaza war, lack of progress on climate change and a potential TikTok ban are spawning anti-Biden content — even among former supporters.
I’m gonna DJ on Saturday evening at the Seventh Stanine Festival. Right before and after a Geologist (Animal Collective) set. Might spin records. Might play some work-in-progress Beauty Pill stuff, not sure. I’ll find a vibe. We’ll see. Join us Saturday at Rhizome.
Seventh Stanine A music festival put on by DC band The Caribbean and NPR-distributed show Essential Tremors.
Just wanna note that I just cut open an avocado at the perfect moment. Tender and ready to eat. Not underripe/hard or overripe/soft. This never happens to me. I am pretty sure this means I am much sexier than you thought.