
I’ve seen people scoffing at the idea that the media are at the VERY LEAST partly responsible for the massive Joe Biden pile-on. Sure, man. The New York Times keeps it on their front page for more than a week, with 192 articles and counting, but that has no effect on anybody. Sure.
When news media think saying they have an impact will make them look good, they will sing in harmony for months on end about what an incredible role they play keeping democracies going. When they think it will make them sound bad, then they are just smol beans chasing clicks, it's all in your head.
Huff Post & WaPo have been beating the drums as well with multiple articles daily since the debate.
Look up "coincidental" in the dictionary and you'll find the NYT grinning like Oliver Hardy.
The article I’m most interested in reading is the one that demonstrates how much of the media learned absolutely nothing from their disparate coverage of #ButHerEmails in 2016
They learned it sold papers. So they do it more. It's like the paperclip apocalypse, only stupider and yet real.
Well, maybe. Or could it just be that the billionaire CEO's that own the media lock stock and barrel only care about ratings and tax cuts. And that as far as they're concerned, the entire country and its people can go straight to hell.
Just a reminder that Michelle Wolf nailed it at the White House Correspondents Dinner. NYT, I’m looking in your direction especially.
And a lot of people claim they pay no attention to advertising too