
There are 22 ranking committee members in the House, so even if we use the high count here of 5 that’s less than a quarter of the people at the meeting
If that many ranking members are taking a meeting on this & are in agreement, the actual support is probably rather greater. If they are able to consolidate in favor of Biden withdrawing, I think there's a fair chance they'll be able to, at the very least, make it a choice between traumas.
I assume Biden's forced to undertake an exam, or forced to release the results of exams he should have been undertaking all along, and the results aren't entirely satisfactory for anyone. Like he has preliminary symptoms but he's unlikely to need to quit for an undermined number of years. What then?
I suspect anything less than a squeaky-clean neurological bill of health leads promptly to a nosedive, & I think that's why he's resisting it so hard. He can cope while struggling with mild neurological issues, but he can't cope with everyone else freaking out over it forever.
There's extreme incentive on the part of any doctor to overplay any signs of aging to be signs of something worse. They'd get so many appearances, book deals, etc.
in the box of - "it is probably unfair for voters to hold Biden's health against him, this has nothing to do with whether or not they will actually do it in a meaningful fashion."