Profile Labeller

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Profile Labeller

Labels accounts based on facts about profile records, post history, etc. Automatic.
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My choice to place a shield in the upper right corner of labeler avatars has blinded one eye of the polar bear. Sorry
normal sinus rhythm has resumed
something weird with my profile lookups the last ~2 hours - falling a bit behind while that gets sorted out
something weird with my profile lookups the last ~2 hours - falling a bit behind while that gets sorted out
I wonder if anyone wants this
One FAQ: Why are there accounts with both 'Elder' (from and 'New Account' tags? I count 'New Account' from time of earliest *post/reply* in order to get a bead on 'when this person started using the account', the Elder label is based on account creation date.
Ok after a couple of days of playing chicken with the rate limiter I have something working. Will be refining both the timing (updated every 15m right now) and the combinations, so feedback welcome.
I've rolled out out lists that combine some of the labels, so you can choose to block certain label combinations.
I've rolled out out lists that combine some of the labels, so you can choose to block certain label combinations.
ok ticking down - gonna be a bit before totally back up because I need to clear some of the old records at a rate of 3000 per w=3600
"35k should be enough for anyone" -idk probably
ACAB includes 'ratelimit-policy': '5000;w=3600'
(sneaky new label for nostr users)
(sneaky new label for bridgy users)
(sneaky new label for bridgy users)
Two label updates: 1. NEW: 'Only Replies' - where a user only has replies in their history and no 'top level' posts. 2. 'New Handle' is now 'Changed Handle' to better reflect that the user isn't new. Didn't realise that 'handle' was synonymous with 'account' in other places.
ok I am a) alive and b) almost caught up to realtime - as with all software the issue is fixed permanently and forever so once this is done it should be all good
bit of a perfect storm - my labeller fell over about 24h ago (it's just got a few hours delay) while I was really busy so only just got around to fixing it; should be catching up now
bit of a perfect storm - my labeller fell over about 24h ago (it's just got a few hours delay) while I was really busy so only just got around to fixing it; should be catching up now
The labeller is almost entirely automated, so if (e.g.) you add a profile image, it will remove the label by itself. May take a few minutes since I don't want to be *too* aggressive loading profiles. If you think you have a removal bug, ping here or or wait for me to check appeals.
I've changed 'High Volume' to be a periodic measure - I'm trying to flag bot accounts that post to a very set interval, not to identify people who post a lot.
Let The Word Go Out Across The Land: If Ye Be Dripless, Ye Be Muted.
New labels! No avatar/display name labels have gone in, and the new account/new handle logic is now more robust. The new labels default to *off*. They're hide/block labels and I don't want to default block brand new users until onboarding is better - but they're definitely gonna be useful to some.
New labels! No avatar/display name labels have gone in, and the new account/new handle logic is now more robust. The new labels default to *off*. They're hide/block labels and I don't want to default block brand new users until onboarding is better - but they're definitely gonna be useful to some.
Had a bug dropping 3p labels on web. Refresh should fix it. Will post about this on once all looks good
omg lol illumi changed his handle the system works please stop appealing him 👀
did you notice that changed handle? The bot noticed 👀
did you notice that changed handle? The bot noticed 👀
the people immediately spoke 👀
First major change - added a 'New Account' label, some accounts will have both until the 'New Handle' ages out. This just flags accounts that are new separately from changes to handle, so it's clearer on what it means.
First major change - added a 'New Account' label, some accounts will have both until the 'New Handle' ages out. This just flags accounts that are new separately from changes to handle, so it's clearer on what it means.
The labels are automated statements about things observed in the ecosystem and are auto-removed when those conditions no longer apply. That means that I ( will check appeals inconsistently. Code is here:, suggestions, issues, etc. all welcome.
ok all caught up to real time
We are good to go! Early days yet since I only act on changes since things started running today - it'll take a week or two to be truly useful. Only one label so far - for new handles/new accounts - specifically as a first go at solving the impersonation issue that has hit a few accounts.
hmm maybe a bit *too* beta - it's backfilling now, so in-the-wild labels should come in over the next ~day 👀
Consider this a beta release - there are a couple of bugs that are gonna have to be worked through, but I am tentatively announcing my profile labeller. At the moment, it flags accounts where the handle has recently (last 30 days) changed, which should help with identifying impersonation.
Consider this a beta release - there are a couple of bugs that are gonna have to be worked through, but I am tentatively announcing my profile labeller. At the moment, it flags accounts where the handle has recently (last 30 days) changed, which should help with identifying impersonation.
We are good to go! Early days yet since I only act on changes since things started running today - it'll take a week or two to be truly useful. Only one label so far - for new handles/new accounts - specifically as a first go at solving the impersonation issue that has hit a few accounts.