
the thing about Nuzzi is she's one of the worst sociopath careerists in journalism, and that's saying quite a lot
The problem with this death spiral of news coverage is that any asshole can just throw in misinformation and it will get taken seriously
at least, taken seriously by *some* people. open question as to their priors.
what gets me about the NYT pile on here is that they have such a magnetic pull on the discourse that people, including myself tbh, just can't help themselves from talking about it
It's really jarring talking to people who are in/out of the "media types or politics sickos" Venn. The obsession is just not there at all, regardless of opinions on Biden's fitness.
yeah. and the ethical void here is just beyond description. like Petey Baker doesn't vote because that might indicate Political Bias but it's fine for the entire org to hound the president out of office in a fit of pique when the republic itself is literally on the line
and lots of the people who I know personally that are cheering this on loudest are the same folks that tore their hair out over DNC manipulations (allegedly) in '16 and '20! Not all tbc but inside my filter bubble, those are the most aggressive voices on it.
I don’t think it’s a fit of pique I genuinely think the Sulzbergers want to have Trump win.
But he can write books with his wifey who’s an opinion columnist on the same beat! Ashley Parker is married to troll boy at a different paper who is also on the same beat! Fucking HR nightmares across the whole press corp
People do not realize, when reacting to NYT-contrived moral or social panics, that it’s the same as boomers reacting to what the Facebook algorithm (or Fox) feeds them.
This is so embarrassingly true, and I’m so guilty of it. But at the same time, it is a supposed “paper of record” and where a lot of people get their only news.
That's how society has always been. The people who aren't very interested rely on the politics knowers in their lives to tell them what's going on.
They still, quite literally, have never reported in any section of their newspaper on the fact that Trump published Obama’s address to his violent supporters and an armed assassin showed up THE NEXT DAY.
IMO this shows a subtle twist & irony of social media/MSM. I figured the real danger would be the instant ability to wield official power e.g. tweeting an actual air strike. Instead it’s more related to speed & scope of information feedback loops, no matter the content, no matter the stakes.
This is the denial stage of grief. Biden's behavior for 90 minutes was such shocking news that NATO policy changed. It's not rational to think that it would just be forgotten if only the NYT had not mentioned it.
Ironically making it less likely that Biden would consider stepping aside. Will push back on the media distortions about him and the over the top reactions.
Not only that, there's also the feeling that every media entity is putting out stories because they don't want to miss the boat on clicks. Then there's all the commentary people that feel like they need to take it all seriously so they can get clicks.
Weird that they *could* have had an entirely fresh topic for the typical feeding frenzy after that SCOTUS decision on Monday, or the Project 2025 manifesto but that would have meant some mental work. Now, they chase or receive 'quotes' incl from their own contributors who were ousted from politics.