
I’m choosing to believe that unskewing the polls means that Allred is actually way ahead now
IIIRC Texas Dems tend to underperform polling? So maybe it evens out. Still, regardless of the outcome, if Ted Cruz is sweating we are doing something right.
didn’t beto overperform in 18? and i think joe was about in line in 24?
beto came within 200k votes, the best statewide D performance since 1990, but he spent twice as much money as cruz to do it.
i don't know what kind of money allred has but i don't think it's that much. he certainly seems less omnipresent this time. but the state has moved, and cruz is unpopular. i think it'll be a squeaker
I will take "Ted Cruz Fears For His Job."
Allred is more of a conventional Dem candidate I'd argue, wonder how that'll perform in contrast
Allred has definitely made fewer mistakes
My mom, a conservative white Boomer Democrat who lives in a suburb north of Dallas, LOVES Allred, which gives me hope. That’s the kind of Dem who can take this seat. 🤞🏻
That's exactly what I'm pulling for, just that Allred comes off to regular people as maybe one of the most normal and straightforward folks that could represent them. Especially after having to be constantly scared of and/or embarrassed by the txgov clown show.
Felt like Beto was absolutely everywhere in 2018. Allred? I barely hear about him. Maybe turnout for GOP is low if Trump is sentenced, plus abortion is enough to deliver it? Allred is popular with some GOPers though, so maybe the anti Ted vote pulls it off.
I'm hoping they're just waiting for it to be closer to election time to juice the media spend!
Idk how much cash he has or has spent, but if you book media spend now for October it tends to be cheaper than if you buy it later.
He's on the Twitter. You're off the Twitter now and maybe you're not seeing it.
True. I don't see a ton on the other channels I use either. Outside of occasional ads where he stands up to Biden.
I’ve been reading how TX should be turning blue or at least purple for at least 10-15 years. If gerrymandering wasn’t a thing it would probably be blue. Ted Cruz and other TX politicians don’t care about the populace. They only care about the GOP agenda.
Judging by how many texts I get from Allred’s campaign, he’s either sitting on a huge war chest or skint broke.