
the GOAT I read BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS in 8th Grade and it Broke My Brain in the Best Way Possible
I think about this story of his almost every day of my life. The most elegant way of saying Touch Grass.
shit, yeah, I think about that one all the time too. It's one of my main motivators for taking morning walks despite basically being a Shut-In.
My health has turned me into a hermit but on those rare days where I'm well enough to go do some menial chore like grocery shopping, I just soak it in as a wonderfully fun little experience. Farting around the grocery store marveling or making fun of the garish displays, chit chatting with the clerk
I figure as long as I don't have to worry about how to pay for my next meal, or how to keep a roof over my head, it's all a laugh. Frig it. Kurt was right.
I love a cranky guy who’s also a good guy. Vonnegut was one of the best to ever do it.
A not-insignificant reason we have dogs. They get you out in the world in all sorts of conditions and often create engagement.
As a Jew, I’ve always found the obsession with the 10 commandments among Christians to be weird. There are 613 commandments and I’ve been repeatedly told Jesus died so they didn’t have to follow them. Jesus’s entire message was that rules weren’t as important as compassion.
The very clear message of the gospels being A) worldly authority can be corrupt and their laws can be unjust B) wealth isolates you from god (and implicitly, the system that allows wealth is ungodly) and C) doing the right thing overrides ritualistic concerns including what sect you belong to
And the fact that modern conservative Christians tie themselves into knots ignoring this stuff and even claiming it's immoral to interpret the gospels that way is really something
Right - Jesus left Christians with one commandment: “Love one another.” Funny* how often that is forgotten *reader, it’s not funny, it’s actually quite sad
Kurt is up in Heaven now 😄
That was his favorite joke. Had ‘em rolling in the aisles.
lmao imagining the chapter in there where vonnegut has to tell farts johnson theyre both retiring now