Beth Revis

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Beth Revis

I write things. NIGHT OF THE WITCH: out now. HOUSE OF HEX: December 2023. THE FATE OF MAGIC: Fall 2024. Something else: Winter 2024.
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Having health insurance in the US means that you now have a part-time job haggling with your insurance company & advocating for your own healthcare. To that end, here's a tool that can help with filing claims to contest denial of coverage, created by the nonprofit newsroom
Find Out Why Health Insurance Denied Your You likely have the right to access records that explain why your insurer denied your claim or prior authorization request. Use ProPublica’s free tool to generate a letter requesting your claim file...
Today's Patreon post for writers is very personal but also something I think needs to be discussed more. The power imbalance in the arts causes desperation that negative impacts creativity. Read more at:
Children shouldn't have to be brave.
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The vast majority don’t want book banning!
#democracy "The vast majority of Americans from both major political parties are against book bans and restrictions. More than 70% oppose bans in public libraries and 67% oppose efforts to remove books from schools, according to a national poll conducted by the ALA."
Book Bans and the Librarians Who Won't Be How educators are speaking out in response to recent — and increasing — book bans
It's so weird to be in a place in America that's not holding voting today. (idk why; a weird districting thing? I checked with the state board of elections, and I'm one of a few counties in the state w/o elections.)
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Happy third anniversary of the funniest political moment of all time.
puppy left my lap, what's the freaking point any more
Ann is good people (and a brilliant writer!), and while I'm so sad that she was in a horrible situation, I'm glad she's out--and I want to help support her independence.
So my life is basically a telenovela, and I am starting over with nothing. If you wanted to buy my books or recommend them, that would be great.
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Thinking of buying books as gifts? Place orders at your local indie NOW, before holiday rush. Ordering/buying sooner helps indie bookstores + you get your shopping done sooner. Win-win! This static-friendly GIF is also available via my public GIPHY library. See ALT text for animation info.
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The right wing is banking on your dislike of Biden and assuming you’ll sit out all the down-ballot races as well. Don’t give them the satisfaction
"The election is in one year." No. Elections are in 2 days. Control of the state government is at stake in 4 states! Also, a key supreme court seat. An abortion measure. Major DA & sheriff races. Mayors. Election deniers seeking elections office. M4L trying to take over school boards. A sampling:
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In the 1930s, a landlord set the home a young Toni Morrison and her parents were living in on fire while they were in it because they were behind on rent. In September 2023, a landlord in Brooklyn did the same thing to his tenants:
America, in a single paragraph:
Remember when everyone called it Rouge One?
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Cross-posting on all my socials: if you're in the US, you can get at-home covid tests delivered at no cost again. Check your state and local DHS too
One of my favorite things about travelling is trying new foods. One of my least fav things is realizing how hard it is to get those new foods at home. I'm craving vepřo knedlo zelo, a Czech pork dumpling I had in Prague last year. Time to learn a new recipe!
Vepřo knedlo zelo Authentic Recipe - Cook Like Vepřo knedlo zelo is the real Czech thing! Pork roast, dumplings, and sauerkraut, you'll find this delicious and comforting food on every traditional Czech restaurant menu. Learn how to make vepřo k...
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we fixed acid rain! we fixed the ozone layer! we beat polio! we’ve rescued scores of species from the brink of extinction! the despair many of us feel about climate change isn’t that it’s too big to fix. it’s that we know it is fixable but we’re being thwarted by greedy ghouls at every turn.
The other day I was like “you know something we heard a lot about as kids was acid rain, why don’t we hear about it anymore” TURNS OUT we fixed it???
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yehuda amichai's the diameter of the bomb is in my head today
I write books so I can afford to buy books and then every so often I also make poor financial choices and go on a trip somewhere that has cool graves (they're all cool).
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He was the first person to take the telescope that everybody used to look for faraway ships and to think to aim it at the sky. Sometimes all you need to change the world is to change where you're putting your eyes.
A reminder that Galileo Galilei was not only a good writer, but also an awesome artist. Here are his drawing of the moon, right after inventing and testing a telescope. year 1609.
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Two pages from Ursula K Le Guin’s Wizard of Earthsea manuscript. On display in the UK for the first time. At the British Library Fantasy exhibition. Go today with your extra hour?
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"AI writing is drivel, it sustains the appearance of an argument (or plot or theme) without the substance of one; it's rather like listening to a Donald Trump speech. The words follow one another like the pounding throb of a migraine but there's no message underneath it." nailed it :D
I was interviewed by creative bloq on whether indie developers should use generative AI. It’s brief but isn’t pretty.
Generative AI, should indie game developers use it? We ask Indie game developers discuss the pros and cons of using generative AI.
I don't go out of my way to read reviews, but they don't bother me. This morning, I was tagged in two reviews. One of them said Night of the Witch (my most recent book) had a LOT of romance and it happened super quick, and the next one said the book had "hints" of a "slow-burn" romance.
there is still beauty in this world find some
I used these numbers to contact my government reps and remind them that we don't have to play by the NRA's rules.
Bill Clinton banned assault weapons in 1994; mass shootings dropped by 43%. George W. Bush and the GOP let the assault weapons ban expire in 2004; mass shootings increased by 245%. These numbers tell the whole story.
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Another double episode drop! DON'T DIE is a choose-your-own style story game. You play as someone who's dropped into a series of challenges run by a snarky, human-hating entity, to see if you survive: FREE!
maybe the book you wrote doesn't get published, but you had to write that one to write the next one that does. but if you feel like you have to get the first one published to be a "success," you're just giving yourself grief. art doesn't care about social media deadlines.
hey you don't have to put your publishing dreams on the internet if you don't want to. sometimes it helps to shout out what you want. sometimes it adds pressure to achieve it so you don't fail publicly, but that pressure is false, and "failing" in the arts is also false
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140,000 people have been locked down for days because of one man with a gun, so tell me again how guns make us free
24 hours later, it's almost 140,000 people
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thinking about this student after the 2018 Santa Fe shooting "Was there a part of you that was like, 'this isn't real, this wouldn't happen at my school'?" "No. There wasn't, um-" "Why so?" "It's been happening everywhere, I felt, I've always kind of felt like eventually it would happen here, too."
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