
Things are very bad here but it's shocking how much worse they are in the UK. Every institution captured by Rowling-brained psychos totally indifferent to basic facts.
Biden, the most milquetoast centrist imaginable, is still willing to make a simple statement like this which *not one* current UK party leader would make. Given how shit Biden is, I'm even more ashamed for my own country.
the entire UK establishment is with her and she's mad as hell about it.
I honestly have to drop the "both parties are the same" shit after watching Labour for the last few years. *those* parties are aggressively trying to be the same so they can fail on purpose, Democrats are incompetent but *jeez*
The dynamic of "oh shit we're going to win an election, better change literally all of our policy platforms" is fucking shameless
the british heard that line about how america is a single party state that with typical american extravagance has two of them and decided they'd go for three
I know the whole "TERF Island" thing is reductive as hell and yet
honestly i think the difference is that the dominant voice on being anti trans here is right wing psycho shit and the dominant one there is guardian liberal trolling shit
Because as a general political tendency, the former is much more viable in the US than in the UK, so over here anti-trans politics had to go through a redwashing effort to gain any traction.
which is weird because the uk has objectively been run by right wing psychos for like 7 years now or something
Until the past few years, they cared a lot more about not projecting that image, even if they were extremely right wing in practice. Even now, a lot of GOP stuff would be seen as too offputting in the UK if done similarly openly.
I think some of this could be that Britain has a long history of staying in your lane and doing as you're told. Changing genders to be who you want to be?! That will cause a fuss, the worst possible crime! What next?! Changing your social station?!
As a Brit; interesting point! There’s also the fact that we have a lot of second wave feminists here who never really accepted intersectionality - and that’s definitely got a class component to it.
The number of people over there who love her for being a “heroine who stands up for women’s rights” is frankly dispiriting when we all know the truth
She's been trying to destroy Edinburgh Rape Crisis again.
I thought that it was pretty much Conventional Wisdom that our own anti-Trans panic was an outgrowth of the one that started in the UK..
Partly yes, although the reason the one in the UK got so much traction was because of the far right "Anti-gender" movement in Europe, which spread to Russia, who then funded its spread*. In the UK it took a more focused anti-trans stance, but it is also anti-feminist and anti-LGBT. *along with HF.
Fun! [*sigh*] Of course, there's plenty of bleed-over from anti-Trans to anti-gay here in the States as well...
Well yes. The HF I mentioned was the USA's very own 'Heritage Foundation', which pretty much funded the anti-gender movement in Europe in a 50-50 split with Putin. It is also behind the very scary 'Project 2025'.
Is there just more money being funneled into it in UK than the US? Or population size difference that makes it that much worse/focused?
More lack of opposition I'd guess. And intersectional feminism isn't as big or organised here.
It's really hard to understand as an American how much real (and more often perceived) power newspaper columnists have in the UK. There's an obsession with media cycles and headlines that just isn't comparable, except for like the Clinton campaign in 2008 with the Drudge Report.
You’ll know he listens to if books could kill when he condemns mispronouncing tamagotchi
The Biden admin has been remarkably good on this stuff, the rulemaking has been about as aggressive as it could be and still get upheld
Trans rights is one of the few things Biden has been consistently good about.
lol, who was it who said Biden is probably better on trans rights because he doesn’t read The Atlantic like Obama? Was it you?
Why the hell was this so hard to say that he couldn't manage it for the last three years
He's been saying it for years. You just never cared to listen.