
Definitely present. I would argue many unhoused Americans are internally displaced climate refugees
Lord, there's a pit in my stomach seeing the pictures coming out of St. Vincent (where I was born and where much of my family grew up or still lives) The devastation caused Hurricane Beryl is...tremendous. And the world isn't ready for the future (present?) of climate change and climate refugees
Most homeless people were living in the same city when they became homeless. Climate migration is a real thing but it’s not that much of a factor with homelessness
The links between climate change and spiking housing and resource costs are still not very well known but that's what I'm referring to. You don't need to move cities to be internally displaced, that's why it's called internal displacement
Why Cities Need to Think More About the Intersection of Housing and Climate Housing and climate change are inseparable. We only need to read the news to understand climate change’s profound impact on housing from Hurricane Ian, which caused $112.9 billion in economic damages…