Butch C

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Butch C


Bridge painter and Boatswain’s Mate in a former life. Currently retired. Second act incoming.
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I have now seen multiple posts saying that Harris is just a politician and people need to stop idolizing her, and like, do people no longer understand what simple enthusiasm looks like? Cheering for someone does not mean automatically mean you have joined a cult of personality & think they’re Jesus.
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No, JD Vance Did Not Get Stopped at Airport Security with a Backpack Filled with Headless Nude Barbie Dolls
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Cartoon: JD Vance may have redefined the term 'couch gag' :)
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The starkest reversal of online political culture in years is how liberals are suddenly having a blast posting goofy pro-Kamala memes and absurd JD Vance smears while conservatives are out there with sour faces bemoaning the unfairness of it all
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**HEY, IT’S TIME** the senate votes on cloture for KOSA (the misleadingly named “kids online safety act”) today at 2:15est. it probably goes right to the floor. it may pass the senate, but we can 100% stop it in congress if people speak out *today* please. one more call. click for resources.
KOSA's back in the house & senate. it's easily weaponized against marginalized people. it has major support & *will* pass without pressure. what you do at the polls isn't my business; but *now* is the time to threaten to pull votes. it's the only power non-rich people have. call scripts follow.🧵
Chair Rodgers Announces Full Committee Markup of 11 Billsenergycommerce.house.gov The Committee on Energy and Commerce is the oldest standing legislative committee in the U.S. House of Representatives and is vested with the broadest jurisdiction of any congressional authorizing com...
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jd vance is an opus dei hire
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CNN's polling guru Harry Enten just did a segment about how unpopular JD Vance is. Actually said, "In this case, he's dragging Trump down" 😂😂😂 Everyone hates JD - except his billionaire puppetmasters and the Trump buttheads.
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This is the thing folks keep missing with "bipartisanship" stuff. Yes, voters like bipartisanship, but that's because they see it as an antonym to "broken congress just fighting each other and periodically defunding the whole government", not because they like it as such. They want /progress/.
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You know how people are worried about foreign investors buying up US farmland? There's a company that helps them do that! It's like Uber for buying US farmland. And who's one of its key investors, profiting off of every sale? J.D. Vance. www.businesswire.com/news/home/20...
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The Teamsters got a visit from some pissed off labor activists last night
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I hope the Harris campaign doesn't just run against Trump. They need to run against Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, David Sacks and the rest of these white nationalist billionaires who oppose unions, democracy, and anything which gives working people a say.
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ITS NEBULA SUNDAY! I JUST MADE THAT UP. Buy some? earthskyart.ca/shop
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SEIU Intl just endorsed Kamala Harris. Farm workers did earlier. Teachers said they will at next meeting.
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The United Farm Workers is proud to endorse VP Kamala Harris for President. Dime con quien andas, y te digo quien eres. Kamala Harris stood with farm workers as CA’s Attorney General, as US Senator, and as Vice President. There is work to be done, and we’re ready. Sí, se puede!
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time to change the narrative: i can’t believe the republicans are running the oldest candidate for president in history!!!!
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Important to remember that this faction of the capitalist class is a war-mongering faction: it wants the US military to confront China, both to protect the faction’s wealth from competition and to increase its wealth through Security-State contracts
Silicon Valley is done with regulators and critics. Billionaires like Elon Musk and Marc Andreessen are lining up behind Donald Trump and his Thiel-funded running mate J.D. Vance. They want to ensure tech is integral to making American great again.
Silicon Valley’s dangerous plan for a second Trump termdisconnect.blog The Little Tech Agenda was crafted to defend the power of tech billionaires
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You got it, sister
Very few houses have ever been so completely non-rocked
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teamsters twitter account briefly spoke the truth then deleted it
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Trump/Vance and Project 2025 are eminently beatable (and will be beaten down-ballot in a lot of places). Beating it nationally requires 1) an active campaign that can define what it will stop, and 2) what future it promises in place of all the violence the right is running on.
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The fucked up thing is that you saw the right collectively getting ready to move if this guy was a leftist. It doesn’t matter if 10 maniacs in a row are rightwing and they just shrug and move on, they’re getting ready for the one time it’s not.
As soon as we learned that Crooks was a registered Republican it was clear that the assassination attempt was going to be a two-day story.
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“Welcome to Sea World, your call may be recorded for training porpoises”
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