
Star Wars has never been serious. It is basically a mashup of Flash Gordon, Akira Kurosawa, & Dune if the Butlerian Jihad never happened. Star Wars has always been campy & pulpy. It is slop. The lesbian space witches are cool. Relax.
I have assuaged some younger coworkers “fears” that new series’ undermine the concept of the Force and thereby the importance of their favorite characters by reminding them there are countless names for God among the Abrahamic religions. Why WOULDN’T the Force have other names in different cultures?
if anything, the reactionary backlash from some Star Wars fans to the existence of lesbian space witches mirrors the fragility of Jedi orthodoxy. No wonder so many Jedi fell to the dark side. they were religious zealots indoctrinated from childhood to practice binary & absolutist thinking.
This is what I’m loving about the Acolyte, and what I want to see in the GFFA! The Jedi are Crusaders, they’re eradicating every other approach to the Force and yeah, digression seems to incur their wrath. In that lack of flexibility, Palpatine didn’t even need Anakin, the Order was already failed.
It really makes the “too old” for training levied at every “hero” prove they need to brainwash the padawans first, while the Sith are like, “yo, you want to do what you REALLY want with the Force? Go ahead…” Chaotic, but what if Lando uses the Force to gamble and doesn’t know it? I want complexity.
There was an ancient social media quiz about which Star Wars character you were. Obviously, one of the questions was "How Force sensitive are you." One of the answers to that question was "Just enough to say 'I've got a bad feeling about this' and mean it." I think about that a lot.
Yeah but Yoda was the most powerful and he was absolutely hopeless at predicting bad things
“only a sith deals in absolutes” is a genuinely brilliant line because it is itself an absolute. the jedi & the sith are two different conclusions from a similar root ideology. if you’re only taught to think in fundamentalist terms, then the failure of even one concept can destroy your worldview.
I love how much this show plays with the "Jedi are good guys, right?" impulse we all got from growing up with these stories and most of these characters got from growing up in this universe.
The second volume of the High Republic Comic Book series deals with the competing interpretations of the force on Jedha and how the Jedi might not be the “correct” interpretation of its nature and use
Sounds interesting. I remember enjoying this EU trilogy where Luke meets a force user who says they know his mother and he asks them for help but their group are pacifists and consider Luke to be a mass murderer and don't want to help him.
The Black Fleet Crisis -
but there's an increasing subtext of the Padme meme
Anyway, Kreia Was Right About The Force.
I would love for Star Wars to have force users realize (and I think the witches already know this, but make it explicit) that the reason the Sith are so strong isn't anger or hate, but just emotion and that joy would work just as well.
Kinda like how laughter works better for Monsters Inc.
Monsters use The Force as a power source? Now all I want is that crossover.
You didn't know that? Haven't you seen Monsters University?
And the Jedi were terrible teachers. Their pedagogy is awful and their failure rate is way too high.
yeah… as someone who previously did this accidentally as a way to cope with gender dysphoria, trying to suppress your emotions does not lead to very workable outcomes.
People take Star Wars much too seriously. Lucas was making it up as he went along. It's all over the place. Don't get me started on how bad the space combat is (because it's based on terrestrial aircraft combat).
However, he friggin nailed the politics of our eras.
The original Star Wars was just a goodies-baddies thing. Straczynski absolutely nailed it in B5.
There was a golden opportunity to resolve the dichotomy in the sequel trilogy, but they went with remaking the binary conflict.
"You know I believe true balance lies somewhere between rage and serenity." – Charles Xavier