
It’s amazing the extent to which our billionaire tech bro overlords are just telling us out loud that they are rooting for fascism. Makes me slightly nostalgic for the days when American plutocrats plotted against democracy in secret.
"every trick in the book" = got more votes this is why right wingers think letting people vote who don't vote the way right wingers want is election fraud / voter fraud a free & fair election is one in which right wingers get to vote & have their votes counted, and no one else
"every trick in the book" = candidates stepped back altruistically so that the greater good might prevail That's an utterly incomprehensible notion to these masters of the universe.
I had seen this the other day. Again, this is something VC and/or Tech bros will never grock:
THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
the peasants are so devious they use voluntary organizing against us
Totally! They are a batch of sociopaths who invented the term “virtue signaling” because they can’t conceive of any virtue that is’t false and/or being cynically deployed in bad faith to manipulate others.
Also a bit of “agreed to compromise instead of each leg of the left refusing to vote for anyone other than Their Very Own Special Guy” and probably a little “talked realistically with voters about the fascist game plan”
this is what they think is unfair, that their opponents did anything but politely lose