
It’s still amazing to consider how getting too online politics brain made the onion extremely unfunny
The Onion, 2019
Did the Onion ever do much with politics that was funny other than Diamond Joe? Generally their best stuff used to be the slice of life “I know that asshole/that asshole is me” stories
I do think "No Way To Prevent This, Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens" was pretty good. And some of the political-ish Onion News Network stuff was fun.
The last good Onion politics was in 2003.
I would say 2003, but later in the year
I think it’s instructive that the last time (predominantly white, middle-class) satirists were good was the Bush administration.
Like for many things, I think Trump winning was the thing that finally broke the onion. You could see them edging towards their present dynamic starting around 2014ish but 2016 is where it tips over the edge
I think Jon Stewart's rally to restore sanity is instructive, political satire works better when you really can needle both sides
I was *at* that rally, and the problem with Jon’s politics is the same problem with using South Park as your political identity—nothing matters than maintaining an ironic sense of superiority over partisans. I think it’s twee and unserious (which is fine as long as you stay in the comedy box)
I also like "Nigeria May Be Poor, But It Is Rich In Culture v Good God Get Me Out Of This Hellhole", but that may have been earlier.