
Obviously Ross Douthat doesn't want any Democrat to win but it's funny to see the guy whose No. 1 publishable opinion is that Americans need to have more babies pretend to go for the guy who blew up the child tax credit
Manchin is 76 fucking years old.
and a fucking asshole.
Manchin is a genital wart that became a real boy and never stopped being dreadful
Beat me to it! I keep hoping his yacht sinks with him on it.
Really gives the game away concerning all these "Biden's too old" concern trollers, huh? And that's before we remember that Donnie Boy ain't the prime specimen of vigorous youth himself...
Love to watch the worst people show their true colors in the most pathetic possible way
The most moderate concept, Tom, is clearly not Abortion should be legal or Abortion should be forbidden. The most moderate concept is, Kids? Meh.
Didn’t Jamelle Bouie first say this mostly as a joke?
Every time Bouie is in the room - Douthat reaches for his phone and then puts it away. Finally one day Bouie blandly but firmly says "Are you recording every meeting we have so you can steal my ideas?" Douthat wordlessly sputters. His very next column is titled "Liberal Incivility and Intolerance".
I think Ross would be perfectly happy with a Joe Manchin presidency because he could try to wait out Trump's death and then the GOP could crush Manchin after he fucked up everying up and pissed everyone off with a dignified fascist dictator. (in his head, in reality, the next dictator will be as
weird and offputting as Trump, but maybe in ways that Ross likes)
If D-bag doesn't want any Democrat to win, it fits that he's promoting Manchin, doesn't it?
Yes, Tom, but he means white babies.
Joe Manchin is a bad man and I would be happy if he stubbed his pinky toe several times a week