
I’ve threatened On Here that I’m going to write a book about my time in the video games industry. It’s going to end up being mostly about Pokémon, because they were silly enough to let me out without an NDA. So I’m workshopping titles.
My current working title is stolen from a Brian Eno album: My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts. But I’m starting to lean toward: A Pika Behind The Curtain: Steps and Missteps In Building The World’s Biggest Brand. I’ll take suggestions.
(Aside: can you imagine how bad at business you’d have to be to let the guy who ran Business Affairs and Government Affairs out of the building without an NDA? Think of the stories I must have about the decisions such people make.)
I was at Wizards of the Coast so early, there was no such thing as an NDA. And in a grievous oversight, Hasbro didn’t make me sign one, either. Probably thought Wizards had me under one. 😏 Sadly my long-proposed memoir title got scooped: “House of Cards” 😁
Oh shit. Then you may appreciate the Rick Arons and Doug Ferguson stories I have.
I’ve known Doug since I used to buy comics from his shop in St. Louis in the ‘80s.😁 The Aronses were late additions at Wizards, whom I occasionally had friction with - one of several reasons I didn’t wind up at the Pikachu Mill™️. 😏
Imagine being their lawyer. Doug, I like well enough now that he’s gone. He turned out to be one of those people for whom a little authority went straight to his head. If you asked Rick, he was the business genius behind Wizards.
Seems like they needed a good lawyer for throwing away a good lawyer...
I have been wondering how the hell this happened for *ages*. Is that on the book too, or is it really as simple as "they forgor"(sic)?
I’ll never fully know. I think it’s a healthy dose of: “he quit, why should we pay him?” combined with a thing my replacement said to me a couple of years ago when I mentioned this to her: “I guess we’re just assuming you’ll be a pro”, which means giving them a free NDA or some shit.
.... So they're just assuming you'll Be Cool About It?!? Well, uh, okay Mr. Company, see how well that works out for you... (Thanks for the response!)
Why did you run them out of the building?
Do they normally do NDAs? I'm sure I'm totally wrong, but I have a suspicion that a Japanese company is used to their extreme libel laws (recently learned that's why ja.wikipedia is the way it is) and/or thinks mandatory NDAs look bad.
They definitely do NDAs in a lot of circumstances.
And also: this is the International sub. They definitely knew better. They just didn't want to spend the money it would have cost.
Another aside: I know the publisher’s Marketing department will choose the actual title, but I’ll need a good working one to make the sale. And as one of my Pokémon colleagues once said to me, there’s a reason I don’t do the creative (yes, the background for that one will be in the book).
How Pokemon Caught us all: steps ect
Thanks. You're free to use it. :)
Gonna yes and this: Poké-round and Find Out: How the World's Biggest Brand Caught Us All
General Counsel Used Legal Advice: it’s not very effective.
Pokémon: An Exposémon
"Digital Ghosts and Real Trespassing" "Gotta Subclause 'Em All"
Your editor will love the latter and force to change the former to something a lot like the latter, for what it's worth. It's happened to me!
You could reference that one tweet you did about how wacky PokeGo is from an outside perspective: "That time I got governments to agree to a geo-location app aimed at children" would probably grab a few eyes.
"Pokémon Go Buy This Book"
Being That Guy: 'My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts' is actually a 1954 novel by Amos Tutuola, which I recommend highly.
Interesting. I didn’t know Eno stole the title.
Wikipedia says, "According to Byrne's 2006 liner notes, neither he nor Eno had read the novel, but they felt the title "seemed to encapsulate what this record was about"."
Gonna have to chu this one over
The story about the biggest brand in the world: Collector's edition
A wild inside story has appeared! What do you want to do? [Read it] Use items Switch pkmn Escape
Charizard? Yeah, that’ll get the market: A video game history from a legal perspective
Pika behind the curtain is classic.
“I choose you, ulcers and migraines”
Eno stole it in turn from Amos Tutuola's 1954 novel (It's worth a read)
"Gotta Catch 'Em All: The True Story Of How Nintendo Captivated A Generation Of Children Worldwide"
Except for the part where I never worked for Nintendo and Pokémon is a separate company, but that’s just one word change.
I figured you could still write about Nintendo even if you hadn't directly worked for them, but yeah obviously you know far better than me where your focus is going to be. Good luck with it!
The challenge on that would be that I don’t know enough about their inner workings so it would be no more accurate than your average Reddit thread from some kid whose “uncle works there”.
Pokemon Go was *such* a weird moment. I remember talking to Niantic buddies that they should do Pokemon branded external batteries. Would have made serious coin, but so be it.
And the book will tell why that obvious move never happened. I was literally in the room screaming to do that.
That is why I discovered Anker battery packs, and every time since that I have bought a non-Anker battery pack I have regretted it. If Niantic had done a collab with Anker with, like, team colors? Or starter pokemon? They would have needed to rake up the money
Get ready to discover why that didn’t happen.